Example sentences of "[unc] [pers pn] [verb] [adv] know what " in BNC.

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1 Well no when we started when the strike started in the mill , I told then , you know y I do n't know what you are going to do with us , I said , but the way you are carrying on now you are going to bring trouble into this quarry , cos these lads are n't going to give in to you at all that quick , what you 're trying to do , make them work for thirty pound a week less , so you better think it over now , I said , before it gets any worse .
2 Erm in the afternoon at St William 's College and I think that 's ab I do n't know what it 's about two pounds fifty or something .
3 So , Kelly screamed so she di A she did n't know what Ashley was screaming for .
4 Er I do n't know what the catering facilities are on , on , on a weekend .
5 And they do n't the T Q M stuff 'll be er I do n't know what we 're gon na do with that .
6 I mean it 's been r been really bad as i You know I you know as er I do n't know what to do with myself , you know
7 Erm right there 's one of the partners there er he 's a bit er I do n't know what he 's doing he 's doing somersaults I think backwards to help the situation but it does n't .
8 And er I do n't know what he said after , I do n't know .
9 I would agree with that , but I would just like to pick up three two of there have been one or two instances felt that they have necessarily make aware perhaps that something 's coming up in er difficult , but I just wanted to mention that er I do n't know what the procedures are actually , but I mean it d did n't seem to be one or two cases not saying it necessarily the department 's fault , I 'm er just making the point .
10 Into sales from being what I would call an artisan and er I do n't know what you would call yourself , but somebody who does things erm er on a er manual stroke artisan type work , over to sales .
11 You know because if you are going to ask an employer to enter into a contract between the between an individual employee , then really you 've got to give him some advantages to do that and I think that er I do n't know what the figures are or the number of final salary pension schemes that have been launched in the last couple of years , but I should think it be , be quite few and I think that there is a difficulty that if we go too far in taking power away from the er from the employer , erm then I , I can see the demise of final salary pension schemes , so I think one 's got to keep a balance there of erm you know that i that you must n't turn the employee off completely from this type of scheme .
12 hook er I do n't know what part they hook up there but they just hook it straight on this thing .
13 Yeah , she said the other , er yesterday , er I do n't know what it 's like she has n't told me yet , oh er me mum 's bought one , oh aye , me mum 's is very nice I 've seen that , I know me dad 's had one as well .
14 Er I do n't know what we 'd do without you Paul I 'm gon na , I 'm gon na
15 We 've grown up with it , there 's got to come a time when we say ‘ put a halt to it ’ , but er I do n't know what we 'll do then
16 The weaknesses are lack of security the time difference that it can bring if there 's lots of replies going backwards and forwards erm it might get mislaid , it might never get read , you do n't know you ca n't be sure that people are actually reading the memo er you do n't know what the reaction of the people is you ca n't go back on what you 've said because it 's on paper er and it lacks that personal touch can be expensive on time , times to you but sorry erm but can be expensive not on time but on materials .
17 Because er we do n't know what 's going to happen and she must be able to earn her own living .
18 and there 's this guy sitting sitting beside him , you know sunbathing and stuff , and er he does n't know what to do
19 I mean when you 're on picket line it 's very depressing it 's very heart breaking unless you get some comedian or something you know it gets er y you do n't know what to do with yourself and perhaps they 'd been taking pots of this paint I 'm not saying .
20 So , anyway , I must have been downstairs doing something and I do n't ne sh sh I did n't know what time this interview feller was coming only , that I was downstairs and I heard Tracey say , oh what 's his name then Mike ?
21 But er there was a lot there was a lot of girls and th I do n't know what had what had happened but I mean , that was the worst thing , he 'd went up in the lift and there was quite there was some other the rest of the people in the lift er was trapped and was burned to death you know , tragic end .
22 And then on this plate there 's a , there 's an actual bullet no a and it , it , it looks like a bullet , I do n't kno I do n't know what it is and it 's like that if you hit something
23 and erm I do n't know what the idea really was , I think it was possibly so that erm , that people concerned with the Committee Meetings could erm sort themselves out and
24 but erm I do n't know what sort of thing wou would get me the best experience .
25 No I did n't I was very very erm my mother was erm I do n't know what can you call it very slow in coming forward I think .
26 Erm I do n't know what this is serious point actually if if you fancy yourself as one of these so called mums and I think it is a little patronizing the er title of a mums ' army of teachers , if you think that maybe you could do that and you 'd be interested in doing that and you think it 's quite a good idea I 'd be interested in hearing from you , all right ?
27 Certainly erm I do n't know what Norman says , but I would say on the phone to you , Let's make it absolutely clear that this is er in the main a telesales operation .
28 Equally if you 've got erm I do n't know what other kinds of differences you might want to erm er look for but again if you 're looking for differences it helps if there 's about sort of twenty people in each of the groups sort of thing .
29 Erm I do n't know what the situation will be in the other churches .
30 Erm I do n't know what it was .
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