Example sentences of "[unc] [noun pl] be [verb] to be " in BNC.

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1 Ca 2+ levels were found to be elevated in synaptosomes prepared from potentiated dentate gyrus 45min after the induction of LTP , and this may explain the enhanced ability of potentiated synaptosomes to release preloaded transmitter .
2 what the er costs are going to be .
3 Our laboratory has recently shown significant disparity between ulcerative colitis and Crohn 's disease in terms of IgG subclass production in the mucosal lesion ; the proportion of IgG1 immunocytes was found to be higher in ulcerative colitis than in Crohn 's colitis , while the reverse was true for the IgG2 cell fraction .
4 Some of LIFFE 's products were designed to be complementary with existing and successfully established instruments in the United States : in particular currency futures and options , and interest rate derivatives based on US T-bonds and eurodollars .
5 Alas , Shiona 's plans were destined to be thwarted .
6 3.21 The Working Party 's Guidelines are expressed to be based upon an analysis of cases reported up to September 1991 .
7 Miss Boothroyd 's supporters are understood to be ready to put the issue to a vote , while there is an equal determination on the Tory side to put forward their preferred nominee .
8 The President 's economists are said to be worried about the costs .
9 The final stage of assessment was the negotiation of a treatment contract , including which of the patient 's problems were going to be tackled and the practical arrangements for treatment sessions .
10 ‘ The gigantic power and influence of the ovaries over the whole animal economy of woman ’ , as Dr Bliss put it in 1870 , meant that women 's constitutions were believed to be inherently unstable throughout the life cycle .
11 In such simulated time-zone transition experiments , changes to the body 's rhythms are observed to be very similar to those after real time-zone transitions .
12 Matthew 's recipes are set to be included in a cookery book being compiled by Sainsbury 's .
13 The sense of harmony and purpose among Mr Major 's advisers is bound to be tested before long .
14 It was not long , however , before her father 's forebodings were proved to be well founded .
15 In 1868 a flood of unprecedented proportions washed away most of the caissons ( the strong cases keeping out water while the foundations are built ) while the Skerne 's trusses were found to be flawless .
16 Very often the target 's assets are required to be used as security for the borrowings , which inevitably involves detailed consideration of the financial assistance provisions contained in CA 1985 , ss151-155 .
17 Armed soldiers were reported to be patrolling the streets of Bucharest and the capital 's students were said to be voicing solidarity with the protesters in the north of the country , in what appeared to be a menacing escalation of the crisis .
18 Not surprising , then , that Soho 's fire-fighters are said to be the busiest in the world .
19 Each object is said to possess , or be part of the Akasha , which to some is a universal ‘ ether ’ in which the world 's events are said to be recorded .
20 She was buried in the new cemetery two miles away at Kensal Green , and Edward 's remains were moved to be with her .
21 Bernstock & Speirs ' hats are designed to be easy to wear .
22 Most of the insiders ' skills are assumed to be firm specific , acquired over the years and difficult to replicate in the short to medium run .
23 Only two patients with Crohn 's disease were studied , however , and CD4 + /CD8 + ratios were found to be normal ; similar studies of T cells from inflamed mucosa of patients with Crohn 's disease and ulcerative colitis have not showed any significant changes from controls .
24 Certain ex parte applications are required to be made by affidavit , in which case the affidavit itself suffices as the application .
25 In other areas teachers ' centres are beginning to be set up , and I shall be discussing their current effectiveness and future potential in Chapter 6 .
26 A royal banner now bestowed respectability on a cause ; kings ' wars were assumed to be for the sake of peace , even when cripplingly expensive and increasingly savage .
27 One of the company 's washing machines had been featured on a well-known consumer affairs television programme , and some of the selling tactics used by Argent Distributors ' salespersons were deemed to be rather suspect .
28 Activated ( CD25 + ) lymphoctyes expressing interleukin ( IL ) -2 receptors were increased in lamina propria , usually subjacent to basal lamina , although a few IL-2R + intrapithelial lymhocytes found , other IL-2R + cells were deemed to be macrophages ( CD68 + ) .
29 Continental-crust rocks often carry a low Nd signature , but are unlikely to have low γ Os , because Re/Os ratios are expected to be high in evolved crustal litholigies .
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