Example sentences of "[unc] [noun pl] [verb] that [pron] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 My Lord the er plaintiffs allege that they suffered considerable losses as a result of er their completion of er the purchase of this business .
2 Gould 's accounts imply that he spent much of the latter part of his expedition , because of a shortage of water , doubling backwards and forwards from the Mount Lofty range to the Murray Scrubs ( later known as the Mallee ) , where most of the interesting birds were to be found :
3 The evidence for Cade 's operations suggests that they shared many of the characteristics of the better known Italian merchant bankers of the late middle ages .
4 It seems that the guardian ad litem expressed some reservations about that decision to move the children in advance of the hearing , but by a letter of 24 January the father 's solicitors said that it seemed to them that the view of the guardian ad litem was ‘ quite wrong as a matter of law . ’
5 Tanberg 's notes record that he produced electrical discharges and occasional deafening bangs , but saw no radiation or radioactive residues .
6 Dan 's notes record that he saw eleven B–17s go down .
7 The accused 's words showed that he did not intend violence and the victim did not apprehend immediate personal violence .
8 Some of Lakatos 's writings indicate that he wished to defend a position something like the one I have labelled rationalism , and that he viewed with horror the position I have labelled relativism , a version of which he attributed to Kuhn .
9 Although written around 1390 , very little changed until the arrival of oil in the late 1400s : technical analysis of Sassetta 's paintings shows that he used methods very close to those described by Cennini .
10 Mr Fuchs 's champions say that he made no attempt to hide the financial problems that had arisen during his previous post when he was employed by The Hague .
11 Wamwere 's lawyers claimed that he had been kidnapped from Uganda .
12 The appeal hearing opened on May 15 , 1990 , with Demjanjuk 's lawyers arguing that he had been the victim of mistaken identity and that evidence presented at the original trial had been forged .
13 Bernheim 's results suggested that he had found some substances which were good for tubercle bacilli , and , by applying the principle of competitive antagonism , he sought closely related compounds which would also be taken up by them but would block the pathway of the stimulants .
14 In the population census for 1991 nearly one in seven of Bassetlaw 's residents said that they had long term illnesses , health problems , or handicaps that limited their daily activities or work .
15 Lord 's insiders insist that he acted under Law 42.5 which specifically deals with unfair play and clearly states : ‘ No one shall rub the ball on the ground or use any artificial substance or take any other action to alter the condition of the ball . ’
16 On the eve of the ballot both camps expressed confidence about the outcome : Mrs Thatcher 's team anticipated gaining sufficient votes to win outright : Heseltine 's followers asserted that he had enough support to force a second ballot .
17 At first he thought that he had discovered a new particle , but then an astrophysicist friend of one of Alvarez 's colleagues recognised that it had the characteristics of proton-deuteron fusion — pd fusion-catalysed by a muon .
18 Police and consultants ' assessments indicated that there had been a reduced fear of crime in the areas involved in the project and in 1991/92 there was a 20pc reduction in all recorded crime in the Birkenhead police subdivision .
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