Example sentences of "[unc] [noun sg] from [adj] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 We 're marking the release on video this week of the Dustin Hoffman movie Accidental Hero , which tells the story of a small-time petty thief 's rise from sleazy obscurity to fortitude and heroic deeds .
2 However , better signposting and effective presentation techniques could be used to illustrate Scotland 's story from neolithic settlements to industrial sites .
3 Probably this situation , and the example of his father , who had risen in the king 's service from humble origins to the earldom of Essex , was the spur to his long career in the royal administration .
4 It was a conversation with the manager in his office that completed Goram 's transformation from outstanding prospect to the reliable goalkeeper now being spoken of as without peer in Britain .
5 ‘ A shot from Charlton , especially if hit on the run from outside the penalty area , is one of the great events of the sport , not because it is rare , which it is not , but because the power of it is massive and it erupts out of elegance , ’ Arthur Hopcraft , who followed Charlton 's career from shy schoolboy to elder statesman , wrote in his classic account of the English game , The Football Man .
6 Talk then centres on the aforementioned ‘ KERRUNCH ’ sound , which shockingly signals ‘ Creep ’ 's transition from weary verse to furious chorus .
7 SIR DAVID Frost 's transition from anti-establishment figure to pillar of the broadcasting hierarchy is charted in a three-part series starting tonight .
8 What are the requirements and problems of changing my 109 V8 Safari from left hand to right hand drive .
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