Example sentences of "[unc] [noun sg] to [art] [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Forsyth announced the Government 's response to the Report today , in which he welcomed the Report and its positive recommendations .
2 It 's only really in the last two general elections that we have begun to bring fun and excitement into campaigns , to raise people 's enthusiasm to the point where they can let down their reserve a little bit .
3 And in that time , the three-bedroomed house has grown from a busy couple 's base to a family home for them and their two-year-old daughter Emily .
4 If I can explain inflation which included in the budget at this stage is inflation between November ninety two and November ninety three , so inflation from today if you like er or last November , through to the end of the year , that is provided for in the central contingency of the authority and as pay awards are awarded the money we drawn down from that into the planning committee so the amount there would one point five percent of pay and four point two percent from general commission , that 's reflecting inflation that 's already happening and is up last year 's budget to the position today if you like so one point five percent of pay was the A P T C award for July ninety two , sorry ninety three and we 're not anticipating here what the pay award will be for the coming year , that is dealt with centrally .
5 Suddenly the flood-gates opened and Topaz let everything spill out from the day when she took Andrew 's horse to the moment when Amsterdam asked her to marry him .
6 The physiotherapist should be informed of the patient 's return to the ward so that she can assist with these activities .
7 Winning Veronica 's confidence to the point where she could ask direct questions about her husband 's death looked like being a slow job , and Loretta 's bank balance would not stand many trips to establishments like the Waldorf .
8 No one could fail to understand the Onlooker 's reaction to the tale just unfolded .
9 To help you assess your child 's reaction to the diet objectively , you should keep a score-sheet of symptoms for each day .
10 Only a small part of the side of the boat and rail are depicted and three blues show up again and again throughout the collection and seem to draw one 's attention to a detail otherwise missed .
11 The circumstances of Japan 's opening to the West thus seemed calculated to reinforce rather than diminish a sense of separateness and need for security in the face of manifestly unequal treatment .
12 Gently move your partner 's head to the middle so that he or she is lying straight once more .
13 Turn the child 's head to the side frequently to clear any water that comes up .
14 Constance was Scarlet 's lifeline to a world where not everything was necessarily disastrous , a warmer world of colour and joy and even of hope .
15 Although its Foreign Affairs Minister , Anatoly Zlenko , reiterated his government 's commitment to the Ukraine eventually becoming a nuclear-free state , he said that all four nuclear republics " should have the option of participating in the ratification and implementation of the treaty " .
16 ‘ It shows how shallow the council 's commitment to the environment really is . ’
17 ‘ Ah , so Rivera has passed on his dear cousin 's message to the Reichsführer also ? ’
18 The one is in the corridor that goes from the porter 's lodge to the stairs up to .
19 The directive will not require a unified tax system , but will insist that governments recognise certain national forms of fund as equivalent for tax purposes — so that , for instance , the British government would give relief on a British resident 's contribution to a fund abroad .
20 And that was about Forest 's contribution to an afternoon when they were content to file back and hope that United 's desire to win the trophy with a flourish might leave them vulnerable .
21 We were invited to attend the director 's visit to the school where the appraisal was to be outlined .
22 This weakens the leaf 's connection to the tree so much that even a light breeze can blow it off .
23 ‘ But alcohol dilutes someone 's judgment to the point where they 're physically dangerous , ’ says Luke who ironically plays recovering alcoholic Dylan McKay in the teen series .
24 Both leaders were caught short by Mr Kohl 's speech to the Bundestag not long after the opening of the Berlin Wall , in which he threw his weight behind German unification .
25 Can we move on then to item number nine , er there 's a slight alt er a slight erm change to the agenda here , i this should read erm , replacement nomination for the Police Area Liaison Committee .
26 Alter Mr Reynolds ' return to the ward post-operatively his position was changed every 2 hours to minimize the effects of pressure on his skin .
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