Example sentences of "[unc] [noun sg] of [noun] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 When we talk about paradoxical conflict , we can expect the conflict at the margins we , in other , if we made er , if we made er kind of diagram of the parents ' self interest in providing parental investment and the offspring 's self interest in demanding parental investment , we find that there are large areas of overlap .
2 The loss on the sale of the business er various selling purchased expenses , loss of the profit , potential profit on their home , , the cost of borrowing er loss of earnings of the plaintiffs , loss on surrender of insurance policies er and er then some unspecified sums relating to pension and credit worthiness and ill health and loss of business My Lord those er headings are taken from and dealt with in er , much more detail in the report prepared by the expert 's accountant Mr for the er plaintiffs which is of course in the erm bundle C the third bundle .
3 anything bad you can get a good run then you , you just get a bad er run of carpets of the weaving
4 Er this er James can I ask you erm if we could establish what the stage er the next stage remain unspent probably er so that we the er paper indicates er er schedule of balance of a thousand pounds .
5 In 1927 Variety 's judgement of Rose of the Tenements was that ‘ New York 's pictorially hackneyed East Side ’ had been used as the setting for ‘ a drab colourless presentation offering little in either entertainment or box office value ’ , and that family problems had not been ‘ dramatized to an extent where the mob can be made to forget the obvious ordinary scheme of things ’ .
6 ‘ As nasty a thing as I 've looked at for many a day ’ , says one of the characters in Trollope 's Vicar of Bullhampton of the local Nonconformist chapel .
7 What appears to be distortion in the allocation of power between different parts of the state apparatus ( e.g. bureaucracy and legislature is in reality a reflection of the state 's functioning of behalf of a dominant class .
8 The Festival is the brainchild of the Prime Minister John Major and is intended to celebrate Britain 's term of presidency of the European Council , which runs from July to December 1992 .
9 It is relevant to note here the author 's inclusion of scenes of a physically titillating dimension .
10 In 1604 he was appointed with a relative Henry Elsynge [ q.v. ] , to his father 's post of keeper of the Tower records .
11 In 1662 that faction became an important part of the government , and Berkeley received Bennett 's post of keeper of the Privy Purse when the latter was promoted .
12 The final Liturgy of recommissioning was introduced by Sr. Susan , who referred to Isaiah 's theme of goodness of the Lord past , present and future .
13 William Belshaw , and Roy Beggs of Larne before him , left the Party because they moderated and abandoned the party 's policy of non-recognition of the Republic 's representatives , and they were part of the founding generation .
14 I particularly like the writer 's use of reductions of the O.S. 1:2500 scale maps in both this and the book produced on the Bishop 's Castle Railway , covering the full length of the tracks in question .
15 Erm my reference was in part to the Secretary of State 's notice of approval of the last alteration of the structure plan , where he said he accepted that some of the provision York provision would have to made outside the ci city boundaries .
16 On Oct. 9 the Danish government published a 251-page White Paper outlining its options after the June referendum 's rejection of ratification of the Maastricht Treaty .
17 The story of a village choir which forms the basis of the novel was Hardy 's recreation of tales of the experiences of his father and grandfather as church musicians shortly before his own birth , and as such it is clearly drawn from his deepest and happiest memories .
18 First , at the Public Records Office , I inspected the submarine captain 's report of proceedings of the Patrol in question .
19 Will local partners help to overcome the company 's lack of knowledge of the market ?
20 That has been the most tremendous shock — the bank 's lack of appreciation of the problems facing professional practices , whether it 's accountancy , law or whatever .
21 That has been the most tremendous shock — the bank 's lack of appreciation of the problems facing professional practices
22 The African agriculturalist is no exception and is very tenacious of the customs and methods practised by his forefathers … the poor farming methods and soil depleting practices prevalent among peasant cultivators stem from ignorance , custom and lethargy … the main obstacle to overcome is the native 's lack of understanding of the need for the prevention of soil erosion .
23 Her only problem was her coach 's lack of understanding of the problem of spasticity .
24 Mr Bresslaw , married with three sons , was due to play Grumio in the New Shakespeare Company 's production of Taming of the Shrew .
25 The art competition , to illustrate the local operatic society 's production of Yeomen of the Guard , attracted an entry of 200 from several Borders schools .
26 The same election provides a further example of bribery , once again involving a Buchanan laird , Moses Buchanan of Glins , whose price for supporting Ardkinglas was the consent of government to his son 's succession to John McCure 's office of keeper of the register of sasines of Renfrew .
27 But I would like to refer you to the erm notice of approval of the nineteen eighty structure plan where I think erm there there is a phrase to the effect that a policy of broad restraint of development is erm erm er accepted by the was accepted by the then Secretary of State on the basis of the high environmental quality of the county .
28 The sterling return , r , is determined as follows : , where P o = beginning-of-year dollar price of security , P 1 = end-of-year dollar price of security ( including dividend ) , e o = beginning-of-year exchange rate ( $ per ) e 1 = end-of-year exchange rate ( $ per ) s = = rate of appreciation of the exchange rate ( i.e. appreciation of sterling against the dollar )
29 We can not , as Peirce would hope , hold science at arm 's length and attempt to justify its procedures — unless , that is , we can frame an a priori conception of reality of the sort Peirce offers .
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