Example sentences of "[unc] [noun sg] [prep] a [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The terminal bonus of £250 , an ex gratia payment as a thank-you for five years ' service , is painfully inadequate , advises Alan .
2 The judges are breaking new ground this year by bestowing the diary 's Bon Mot Trophy on a piece of work as yet unpublished .
3 I in the past th Granville mentioned these letters that used to work their way down from on high which might have just been a , a bit of a twinkle in somebody 's eye with no money at all to spend on physical work but even so it was given the same status within the R C E's organization of five or ten years ago a a as an investment item was , it was almost authorized .
4 A TOP boss of the German Daimler-Benz firm is quitting his Pounds 300,000-a-year job in a row over a neo-Nazi flag .
5 Phosphocellulose fraction C was dialysed against buffer 3 containing 50 mM ( NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 and applied to a DEAE Sephadex A25 column at a rate of 5mg protein/ml bed volume .
6 You , you , you ca n't , yeah , you said you ca n't use er money as a paradigm for energy .
7 Er bit of a problem with the contrast too , I think the fact that the boat is white on the inside and the rest of it er fairly dark , I mean
8 Erm yes there 's been a been a long hard look at at our er vulnerability to a shortage of of electricity .
9 That has left the impression that trade policy is at the mercy of ad hoc decision-making by a variety of officials .
10 Blotting-hybridization of a 0.5 kb mTEF-1 32 P-DNA probe and a human β-actin probe ( Clonetech ) against cellular polyA+ RNA from a variety of mouse tissues ( Multiple Tissue Northern Blot , Clontech ) .
11 Well , you had to feed it you know erm Then there was this erm er sort of a whipping in in there was a long trough leading to the knife and then there were some cogwheels which pulled it into the knife .
12 He could he was a brilliant machinist and er oh crikey I 've seen him turn out a a three throw er crankshaft within a couple of days er you know without any precise measuring and and and in fact he just sort of put his roll on on on a on the shaft he was turning and just sort of gave him an idea as to I mean his eye was almost as good as many a bloke 's measur measurement with a rule .
13 Thoughts on women and politics generally tended to emerge on an ad hoc basis as a by-product of empirical studies into voting behaviour and political participation carried out in the 1950s and 60s .
14 we was engaged , oh I have talked to other people but we was engaged in making locks but most of the locks , well they did do a , er wardrobe locks , small cabinet locks , lever locks but one of the biggest kind of locks we di er made was the locks for car cars and vans which , in them days , was was fantastic because most of the car bodies was of wood , the , the , the , the framework was wood , so erm the locks er were three or four , four by five er seven by eight and selvedges on them fourteen inches long , er bolts er the , the bolt mechanism would be anything from five eighths to an inch in di er er square with a radius on the end erm th there was er there was the sidecar locks which were smaller erm that was the sort of locks they made .
15 On the other hand , the two British entries , Richardson and Hynds , worked together to take a substantial win in men 's K1 with Hemmings and Gilby doing the same thing in the ladies ' K1 event in a field of only three .
16 Little humpback , bridge here , erm and used I say used to go through to er Mill itself just er quarter of a mile along the track .
17 Many non-socialist supporters of markets argue too that the pursuit of ex ante planning as a substitute for the ex post coordination of economic activity through the market can not be achieved in a complex society and that its pursuit is actually destructive of very basic individual freedoms .
18 President , the movement has taken a luckily approach in the political er arena for a number of years now .
19 And there was a a path which had been trodden back and forth down to this er shaft with a pump on it .
20 Those again would be about a yard wide and a yard deep , then you had a a big er wire with a loop on one end with a sharp point .
21 David Chin Kah Hin 's response to a question about adventurousness , adaptability and tolerance typifies the spirit and imagination of the 35 applicants for a Guinness Earth Science Award .
22 The survey sponsored by the CLR was a market survey testing the library consumer 's response to a product in a new package .
23 The notes cover the Stamp Office 's response to a number of questions on which the Faculty sought clarification following the publication of Statement of Practice SP 11/91 in September 1991 .
24 We can see similar ‘ invitations to continue ’ in someone 's response to a series of instructions or directions .
25 Those two responses are difficult to distinguish since one is Leapor 's response as a poet to a life which she observes ; the other pertains to her own experience of that life .
26 the game did n't liven up until midway through the half when the Blues finally put Cliftonville 's defence under a period of sustained pressure .
27 Parental expectations , children 's exposure to a range of experience , and the availability of structured education were different , for example , for the five-year-old in the 1930s and 1950s , and these are different from those of the late 1980s .
28 It became apparent that Edward could win nothing if he persisted against Stratford and refused reforms ; in May , therefore , he adjourned the archbishop 's trial to a committee of peers ( which in fact he never convened ) and assented to the reforming statutes .
29 I said tell her I can always put the the s bit of a square over it
30 SARAH LOOSEMORE 's award of a place at Oxford University means that the British game may again have to contend with the loss of one of its major assets .
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