Example sentences of "[unc] [noun sg] [noun sg] [verb] [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 But Mr Clinton still warned his supporters against over-confidence as a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll gave him an eight point lead over Bush .
2 Her limbs were graceful , her whole body proportioned like that of a young goddess ; as for her breasts , an infatuated young man who had seen her in a small part at Robert 's Shield Theatre wrote her a letter quoting the Song of Solomon at length : Asshe threatened to horsewhip him .
3 We need an assessment of the colliery 's business plan to see what the options are to secure the pit , the jobs and investments of the miners there . ’
4 BR 's journey planner tells you the quickest way from A to B. Shame it ca n't tell you which trains will run on time …
5 It was he who lent Hardy the money to go to Paris : he who decided to take Hardy 's hopeful acting career under his wing and get him an audition with ‘ my father ’ down at the Cardiff studios , where Philip 's radio play gave him an entree .
6 Ilfracombe is the leading resort on Devon 's Gold Coast offering everything a leading resort should have : shops , bars , cinema , theatre , dancing , several interesting beaches , and lots to do , or you can just stroll amongst the coloured lights .
7 The Greens had eight members in the old republican assembly elected in April 1990 when Slovenia was still part of Yugoslavia , and when the party 's pacifist orientation made it an active participant in the nationalist , anti-communist Democratic Opposition .
8 Cup hero John Byrne meanwhile was back in training yesterday after being pulled out of Monday 's derby game to give him a rest .
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