Example sentences of "[unc] [noun sg] [vb mod] be [adj] to " in BNC.

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1 The legality of an appeal committee 's decision would be open to legal challenge if there was a failure to comply with natural justice — for example , not giving an appellant an adequate opportunity to state his/her case .
2 Malvy on Oct. 27 was reported to have admitted that the current year 's deficit would be close to F180,000 million ( about US$36,000 million , approximately twice the original forecast ) .
3 Joanna 's experience will be invaluable to the college when she relinquishes office at the end of the Proctorial year .
4 Hall 's experience will be vital to the Welsh second string but he warns : ‘ We have to try to keep the Aussies down as they wo n't repeat their Swansea mistakes . ’
5 Thus a clause purporting to exclude or limit the supplier 's liability will be subject to the requirement of reasonableness , provided the supplier 's customer was either dealing as a consumer or else had contracted on the supplier 's written standard terms of business .
6 If PSR1718–19 is not located in the globular cluster , then the neutron star is probably young and the system 's origin could be similar to that of the Her X-1 system .
7 Ince 's influence will be vital to United as they today attempt to give Fergie his first win at Nottingham Forest .
8 Freud 's theory might be applicable to an understanding of the popular ‘ corruptions ’ of Buddha 's teachings — corrupt , that is , from the point of view of Theravada monks .
9 The separation of politics and morality implicit in Machiavelli 's argument would be unacceptable to Gandhi .
10 However , withdrawals made without a month 's notice will be subject to a charge of 50p per £100 withdrawn .
11 There was also this feeling that any attempt to search into her father 's past would be disloyal to her mother .
12 ‘ But your son 's will may be important to the case and I shall be glad of your help to — ’
13 According to the adaptive expectations hypothesis , this year 's expectation will be equal to last year 's expectation ( 10 per cent ) plus some proportion ( w ) of the error .
14 However , the analyst should be aware that variances between the model and a particular user 's view could be due to the narrow perception of that user .
15 Editor , — Roger Smith suggests that Paget 's disease might be due to infection with a viral agent early in life .
16 As we have already seen , the exercise of de facto power may be subject to judicial review .
17 But it must also be remembered , too , that while a 95%-rated vineyard may be superior to a 94%-rated one , healthy , ripe 80% grapes are vastly superior to 100% grapes which have been affected by disease , rot , or damaging weather conditions like hail or frost .
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