Example sentences of "[unc] [noun sg] [be] [that] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The US State Department 's response was that it needed to see the blueprints on European defence before it could think of pouring concrete .
2 This solution induces vertigo if one thinks in terms of a self-contained realm of observation and inference ; does it mean that the most you can say of Einstein 's physics is that it has not yet been refuted , which can be said equally of ‘ Unicorns exist ’ ?
3 The advantage of the pen system in Eo 's machine is that it does away with the keyboard , so enabling applications to be written for all language forms — non-Roman script like Japanese or Arabic for instance .
4 The first major problem with Fforde 's work is that it equates collectivism with socialism , which is as historically wrong as it is jejune .
5 One of the oddities of Foucault 's work is that it seems riven by an internal tension — for example , as peter Dews notes , while on the one hand Foucault lays claims to a form of objectivity in his archaeology , and eschews interpretation in favour of ‘ intelligibility ’ , on the other hand throughout his life he was also prone to endorse a Nietzschean insistence on the interminability of interpretation .
6 The outstanding feature of black parents ' relationship with their children 's sport is that it does not exist .
7 Sudjic 's point is that it exists , and any attempt to plan , ameliorate or build in it has to grasp this fact .
8 Perhaps the most interesting point which arises from McCullough 's article is that it needed to be said .
9 The worst thing about Pet 's body was that it had been badly crushed below the waist .
10 Finally , one major gap in Oakeshott 's theory is that it says nothing about the fundamental issue of how societas may be reconstituted in the modern age .
11 The problem with Darwin 's theory was that it reduced evolution to a chapter of accidents .
12 The biggest flaw in Mr Chandler 's argument is that it applies more readily to industries where fast changes in technology do not seem likely .
13 In Germany , the Bundespost Telekom 's argument is that it has to complete the reconstruction of eastern Germany 's telecommunications infrastructure before it can allow competition , Vallance said .
14 The flaw in counsel 's argument was that it ignored the fact that the jury were required to consider the case against each accused separately .
15 One of the implications of the interrelation of Truth and ahi sā in Gandhi 's thought is that it involves the welfare of all men .
16 The most serious charge against the women 's union was that it proposed to carry on working if the men went ahead with their strike .
17 The fourth merit of Johnson 's approach is that it allows for mobility of jobs between categories , although he does not attach as much significance as Hughes ( 1958 ) to the efforts of the ‘ professionals ’ themselves in this regard .
18 The second main point about Marsh et al. 's approach is that it recognises the expressive order : the theories which young people and others have about their circumstances .
19 An important feature of McGregor 's approach is that it shows how management assumptions are important in determining motivation and morale .
20 An interesting feature of this school 's approach was that it set about evaluating library use by monitoring the numbers of children referred by different departments .
21 A criticism of Fitzmaurice 's analysis is that it does not answer the crucial question of why such an objective regime should have any effect on third parties .
22 The reason for MI5 's inefficiency is that it wastes far too much time and resources chasing after the wrong sort of people who it believes to be subversive , while real enemies of the state are able to go on spying undetected for decades .
23 The beauty of Charnov 's book is that it uses one simple theoretical technique , hat of the evolutionary stable strategy , to tackle apparently disparate problems in sex allocation theory .
24 The Convention 's strength is that it copes with their diversity and provides an effective mechanism acceptable to all .
25 The play 's strength is that it draws on Eliot 's earlier work and makes that earlier work transferable to the West End , a triumph in itself ; its weakness , like that of most of the plays , is that it offers us little we can not find more concisely and intensely expressed in the poetry .
26 The official reason given for the committee 's demise was that it had indulged in counterrevolution and illicit dealings with foreign powers .
27 And Freud 's answer is that it matters because human beings have inherited this guilt from the primal crime .
28 A more serious objection to Anderson 's account is that it assumes consistentalignment between left and right in politics , and ‘ progressive ’ and ‘ traditional ’ in intellectual life .
29 One of the more significant aspects of the panel 's report is that it makes a try at preventing repetitions of the affair .
30 Larry Cummins recalled , ‘ All I remember about Wilson 's ear was that it did n't amount to much , but a big deal was made out of it .
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