Example sentences of "[unc] [noun sg] [be] [adj] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He acknowledged that the delay in his party 's response was due to internal disagreements ; the party executive was believed to have voted for a boycott of the referendum , but was reportedly overruled by a parliamentary caucus meeting .
2 On appeal by the university and the Lord President , the Court of Appeal held that the visitor 's decision was amenable to judicial review but that the university had not exceeded its powers in dismissing the applicant and that the dismissal was valid .
3 Mr Major has taken plenty of decisions — Norman Lamont 's budget was full of bold strokes .
4 Taiwan 's experience is typical of poor countries that have become rich and industrialised in a relatively short time .
5 The core skills included in SCOTVEC 's framework are fundamental to effective practice and continued learning .
6 Russell 's screenplay is full of announced sympathy for ordinary people 's lives , and actual condescension .
7 Russell 's screenplay is full of announced sympathy for ordinary people 's lives , and actual condescension .
8 Radiological studies are not able to precisely define the muscular end of the oesophagus and when a Barrett 's oesophagus is present with gastric mucosa lining the distal oesophagus , it can easily be mistaken for a hiatal hernia .
9 Mr Justice Drake , sitting in chambers at the High Court yesterday , said a full hearing of Virgin 's action was likely by early July .
10 A late election will also be acceptable where at a crucial time one of the signatories or a signatory 's agent was unavailable for unforeseeable reasons ( such as a serious illness ) and there was no one else who could reasonably be expected to stand in the agent 's shoes .
11 Sihanouk 's plan was unacceptable to Soviet leaders anyway since like the proposal for a neutralisation of contemporary Afghanistan it would imperil the retention of the socialist structure of government in the neutralised state .
12 Hu Kun 's playing is full of poignant persuasion .
13 The answer to the Minister 's question is clear in Labour party policy documents .
14 The Labour Women 's Manifesto was subject to constant attack and deliberate confusion created between the terms ‘ heterosexism ’ and ‘ heterosexuality ’ .
15 The unc second is perfect for specific calculations and also gives a proof of existence .
16 Bohr 's work was full of special pleading : the use of circular orbits , the ad hoc imposition of the quantum condition for angular momentum .
17 Using a Barthesian notion of myth , i.e. seeing myth as the signifying process by which ideology is naturalised , and film therefore as a myth-making medium , Johnston and Cook 's work was concerned with classic Hollywood cinema .
18 Concerts in St Cecilia 's Hall are devoted to classical and pre-classical music performed on authentic instruments from the Russell Collection .
19 Droitwich was supposed to be a textile centre , but evidently not even the Act of 1534 had saved clothing from total eclipse by salt burning ; the town 's poverty being symptomatic of chronic unemployment which the hazards of the salt trade did little to alleviate .
20 Piaget was not the first to draw our attention to the fact that children 's behaviour is different from mature adult behaviour .
21 But Alan Lyddiard 's adaptation is strong on physical impact — the sheer effort involved in ploughing , the hunger and pain of the animals ' lives .
22 Ivanov 's character is tailor-made for technical espionage .
23 Passelewe 's unpopularity was due in large measure to his energy and zeal in the royal service .
24 Capital competes for itself economically and , therefore , only requires that the state 's role is facilitative of general market conditions by reproducing labour power ( underwriting welfare and education for a proficient labour force ) and providing a political safety valve for capitalism ( through the apparent neutrality of the bourgeois , liberal democratic state based upon universal suffrage ) .
25 Kate 's voice was full of warm concern as though some conspiracy held them near each other .
26 Despite this , notions of community management and people 's participation are central to contemporary strategies of environmental rehabilitation in various sectors ( irrigation , forestry , pasture etc. ) in developing countries .
27 And now suddenly the trail grows warmer … the air around St. James 's Gate is heady with sweet mash .
28 Abse 's book is full of long digressions — on gambling , Ulster , pornography , spies ( among whom he counts the acquitted MP Will Owen ) , Welsh devolution , Woodrow Wyatt , Enoch Powell and Keith Joseph , Welsh devolution , the ‘ wondrous possibilities ’ of in vitro fertilisation , the horrors of a Conservative Chief Rabbinate , the security services .
29 Today , with the winning of the vote and civil rights for women , changes which the Catholic church opposed at the time , the secular aspect of this argument of women 's inferiority is muted in Catholic pronouncements .
30 The jagged edges gashed their fingers : the rag round Gazzer 's hand was bright with fresh blood .
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