Example sentences of "[modal v] [be] [verb] [subord] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He — um — he appointed you as his special envoy , you see — gave you carte blanche as far as time was concerned ; in fact he insisted that your entire stay here from day one should be regarded as being on company business . ’
2 [ In ] such a case , save in exceptional circumstances … it is suggested that the complaint should be regarded as being in effect sub judice and the investigation should ordinarily be deferred until the conclusion of the trial .
3 The elaboration and detail of the scheme and the variety of techniques available under it to protect investors suggests that it would be wrong to assume that the statute and its rulemaking powers should be interpreted as being in the shadow of the common law .
4 Birt added that his plans must be seen as being about ‘ greater freedom to operate , not less , greater initiative and enterprise within mutually agreed strategies . ’
5 Such a development must be welcomed as being in line with the requirements of dynamic competition and capable of increasing the competitiveness of European industry , improving the conditions of growth and raising the standard of living in the Community …
6 With its comparatively meagre resources , adult education might be seen as being at a disadvantage when catering for adults with special educational needs but , in reality , it has some features which enhance its capacity to respond .
7 When the linguist claims superior insight based on a realistic linguistic theory that yields a definitive account , linguistics could be viewed as being in a rhetorical power struggle with the other relevancies constructed by literature .
8 Indeed , anything could be proclaimed as being against state interest .
9 The implications of this paper could be regarded as being of considerable significance and must , therefore , be viewed with caution until further corroborative evidence can be produced by large-scale excavation on the site of the ‘ villa ’ and a detailed ground survey of the large area of the suggested tempelbezirk .
10 In this context , the material before the board indicated — ( 1 ) that investors were persuaded by company representatives employed by the Winchester Group to cancel their existing policies and to ‘ switch ’ to Norwich Union without their best interests and any disadvantages attendant upon so doing necessarily being considered ; ( 2 ) that other undesirable selling practices — for instance ‘ overselling ’ whereby investors are persuaded to take out a range of policies which they may not be able to afford in the long term — have been employed by company representatives selling on behalf of the Winchester Group ; ( 3 ) that the fact find forms completed by the Winchester Group for forwarding to Norwich Union were inadequate for the purposes of ensuring that products were only sold to investors on a ‘ best advice ’ basis ; ( 4 ) that the connections between Mr. Tee and Mr. Kissane ( a former director of the Winchester Group now awaiting trial on charges of theft of client moneys ) and also between the Winchester Group and Mr. Randhir Singh were such as to call into question the extent to which the controllers , directors and senior managers of the Winchester Group could be regarded as being of good character and competent or otherwise suitable to manage the marketing of investment contracts on behalf of Norwich Union and also whether the Winchester Group could be safely regarded as a fit and proper person for the purposes of enjoying appointed representative status ; ( 5 ) that policies had been sold by eight persons engaged by the Winchester Group who had not been appointed as company representatives of Norwich Union or in any other way authorised to sell investment contracts on behalf of Norwich Union and that other individuals who had been appointed as company representatives had not been registered as such with Lautro ; ( 6 ) that certain company representatives engaged by the Winchester Group appeared to be channelling client moneys through their own personal bank accounts .
11 The Restrictive Practices Court does recognize certain gateways through which such agreements may be ratified as being in the public interest .
12 These histories may be pictured as being like the surface of the earth , with the distance from the North Pole representing imaginary time and the size of a circle of constant distance from the North Pole representing the spatial size of the universe .
13 Company capital may be viewed as being of three types , short term , medium term and long term .
14 Company capital may be viewed as being of three types , short term , medium term and long term .
15 However , this contains an important message for lawyers sympathetic to the peace movement , since if the symbolic appeal of law for the peace movement is founded in the view that law embodies certain political and human ideals which may be interpreted as being in sympathy with the aims of the peace movement , then it is clear that the attraction is to law as an ideal rather than to lawyers and legal process .
16 On the other hand , if the scores of the standardisation sample were such that only a very small proportion — say , 5 per cent — scored 40 or less , then a child with this score may be identified as being in need of further , more detailed assessment .
17 Except in larger firms , unanimity might be thought to be desirable in the interests of preventing further splits in the firm , and even where a majority decision is available , a genuine attempt to achieve unanimity should always be made : save in any but the clearest case , exercise of the power by a permitted majority without consultation with the remaining partners would be regarded as being in bad faith .
18 The word between the i and the n would be recorded as being in italics ( i — change to italics , n — change back to normal ) .
19 Some will be recognized as being of architectural and historic value , but there are others of more modest appearance which would nevertheless be sorely missed if they disappeared .
20 Larger quantities will be regarded as being for commercial purposes , unless buyers can prove otherwise .
21 The benefit of staff acting-up on a temporary basis , is that such staff will be regarded as being within the ring fencing arrangements for both the higher graded posts and their own posts .
22 Economic and social factors now loom large , and can be seen as being of greater importance than purely land use matters , though the courts would not necessarily accept such a line of reasoning ( as , for instance , when Lord Widgery held that the London Borough of Hillingdon could not impose a condition that the occupants of a private housing development should be people on the council 's waiting list ) .
23 The Parables of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast can be seen as being in the process of fulfilment .
24 There are many other examples where , readers may assume that much more can be done than is in fact the case .
25 According to this reading , the repetition of episodes and the lack of a linear structure can be regarded as being in keeping with the formal realism of a narrative which is being conducted by someone whose overwrought state of mind colours his perception of the world around him , and who is no longer able to distinguish between imagination and reality .
26 This can be construed as being in accord with the important premise of this book that life is to be enjoyed .
27 In general , then , we need to try to explain the earliest arrangement of the basic administrative land units in our study area and see if it can be identified as being of pre-Roman , Roman , or later date .
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