Example sentences of "[modal v] [not/n't] be [adj] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They must refuse to authorise the use of strip cells — they must not be involved in punishing people who are desperate and suicidal .
2 Here we are assailed by imperatives : we must not be satisfied by collective explanations , social phenomena must be understood in individualist terms .
3 The Commission had taken much of its case from the evidence of the BBFC , differing only in proposing that the private exhibition of films on domestic occasions should not be subject to criminal sanction provided that no person under 16 was present and no charge was made for the exhibition or for anything provided in connection with it .
4 There was , therefore , great concern that PCBs should not be subject to inadequate heat treatment .
5 More importantly , it reiterates the belief that ‘ [ t ] he organisation and content of media should not be subject to centralised political or state bureaucratic control ’ .
6 To the extent that non-governmental bodies perform functions which government would have to perform if they did not , there is no good reason why such bodies should not be subject to judicial review in the same way as a government body performing equivalent functions would be .
7 All works of art have the inalienable right to live an honorable life and should not be subject to inappropriate interference .
8 It was agreed , for example , that the post-devaluation cuts and the later cuts in rural electrification should not be subject to public announcement .
9 Most of them are produced by women , who provide insights that come from relating female experience to a body of writing ; logically , there is no reason why these insights should not be available to male critics with the right sympathies and sensibility , but in practice most of this criticism is by women .
10 ‘ It seems undesirable that information of this kind should not be available to ordinary readers of the accounts . ’
11 Without them we should not be who we are ; we should not be recognisable as normal adult humans at all .
12 Whenever possible breeding colony staff should not be involved with other animals of a potentially lower health status .
13 The main criticism is that the papacy should not be concerned with temporal matters at all .
14 Dunleavy used the ideas of Castells to argue that local political analysis should not be concerned with particular communities , or specific institutions of local government , but instead should focus on the ‘ urban politics ’ of collective consumption — that is , with consumption organized on a non-commercial basis by state agencies .
15 The commission should not be concerned with local authority policy decisions , but in how these decisions are implemented .
16 However , purchasers should not be concerned about part-time employees ( less than eight hours per week ) as they can not claim unfair dismissal rights .
17 The proposals , based on the premise that " cosmopolitan " laws put French people at a disadvantage , effectively placed immigrants in a separate category of those who could not be joined by their families and should not be eligible for certain benefits , while French people would take priority for jobs and housing .
18 The student should not be confused with long lists of new vocabulary to master before the drills can become meaningful to him/her .
19 This sort of joyous excitement should not be confused with real terror which can be initiated in the same circumstances .
20 Similar in appearance to completion items , cloze tests should not be confused with simple blank-filling tests .
21 This , however , should not be confused with increased equality .
22 The term " workaholic " may be used as a term of abuse but workaholism should not be confused with high energy and dedicated efforts towards a defined goal .
23 It takes place all the time and should not be confused with organizational politicking ( which generally takes place behind closed doors ) or personal vituperation ( which generally takes place in committee rooms ) .
24 Expert witnesses should not be confused with expert determination : see 1.6.3 .
25 In a pamphlet entitled ‘ Saying NO is n't always easy … ! ’ , the message is that ‘ casual sex ’ should not be confused with sexual liberation :
26 Left forearm rotation should not be confused with left wrist rotation , as to many amateurs think .
27 A high value tends to be placed on certainty and permanence , so that when a child is removed from his natural parents and rapid rehabilitation seems unlikely , he should not be confused by multiple parent figures or uncertain plans for his future .
28 The hon. Member for Gateshead , East said that we should not be dependent on central decision-making .
29 the court of appeal held that foster parents of a child , scalded when she put her foot under hot running water , were not negligent.the majority view was that a parent should not be responsible for unforeseeable accidents of the type which occur in the best homes .
30 The general muddle was discussed in Chapter 6.2(c) above : in principle , a person whose conduct was caused by mental disorder should not be liable to criminal conviction , but in practice the narrow and antiquated defence of insanity is rarely invoked in England ( a handful of cases each year ) , and the courts normally proceed to conviction and then select a medical disposal where appropriate .
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