Example sentences of "[modal v] [not/n't] [vb infin] [adv] to be " in BNC.

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1 God grant that it may not startle only to be read and pondered by thoughtful brains as well as by feeling hearts …
2 THIS MAY or may not turn out to be the winter when serious numbers of British skiiers forsake the Alps for the Rockies .
3 ‘ Opinion polls may or may not turn out to be right at a later stage ’ ; ‘ Local authorities exceeded projected expenditure by quite a margin ’ ; ‘ When this campaign started some weeks ago ’ ; ‘ I concede the point , for I have stated it many times in the past . ’
4 Imposing English at all levels of the education system may not turn out to be either practical or appropriate .
5 This may not turn out to be so easy .
6 ‘ In fact , it may not turn out to be a job at all , but without you we could n't know for sure . ’
7 These arrangements are an unknown quantity and the administration may not turn out to be up to scratch .
8 Rocks may not seem initially to be particularly magnetic .
9 He was crazily frightened and awfully ashamed , so that , when he heard voices , men speak outside the cubicle , he could not yell out to be seen this way .
10 Erm I do n't know whether we had gremlins in there or er or not in the end I really could n't decide actually to be honest .
11 Eventually , those waging their campaign against her found they were losing , and furthermore , they quickly realized they could n't afford not to be seen as a Katherine Lundy party .
12 Interest due on debts which are preferential under s 386 of and Sched 6 to the Act would not appear also to be preferential .
13 I would not wish here to be thought to be saying more than I am saying : my phrasing of the proposition is intended to stress the negotiation by which meanings are shared among us — not to presuppose some innate psycholinguistic stratum which can be laid bare by mere exposure to the ebb and flow of the dialectic .
14 She would not know how to be happy . ’
15 Worse still , on the day , how could I be sure , with so many actors around , that the bridesmaids would n't turn out to be actors in drag ?
16 Hopefully the evening would n't turn out to be the disaster she 'd envisaged .
17 With its industrial importance , it ca n't afford not to be .
18 If , as seems probable , most teachers will sort out their pupils into the high and the low fliers at a fairly early stage , and if there is a whole separate set of papers in some subjects for the high and the low , then the difference between the higher grades of GCSE and O levels will not turn out to be very great .
19 It is true enough that there is often such a nuance ( see Quirk , Greenbaum , Leech , Svartvik , 1972 ) , but the proposal will not turn out to be satisfactory .
20 I think there 'll be a lot of people who wo n't move off to be honest !
21 Perhaps he wo n't turn out to be the British Jean Renoir of a Glaswegian Woody Allen .
22 Similarly , your subconscious can not try not to be a failure without first of all picturing failure .
23 Giles recalls one remark when Montini was criticizing the De Gasperi Christian Democratic government for inaction while denying that he was doing anything of the kind ( a typical Montini ploy ) : ‘ In political questions the Church has to be general , just as in religious matters she can not afford not to be particular ’ ( ibid. , p. 109 ) .
24 But it 's something we can not afford not to be involved in .
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