Example sentences of "[modal v] [vb infin] [verb] i [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm very sorry , ’ said Breeze sedately , ‘ that you should have seen me in that cowardly moment . ’
2 ‘ And if you are too tired to write you must come to see me in any case , and then I shall know you are safe .
3 You could have prepared me for this — ’
4 You know they could have shot me for that .
5 For all she knows , the social services could have given me to another family .
6 Once you became head of the department , you could have pulled me off this job at any time .
7 She 'd have turned me into another of her tasteless folk stories , I expect !
8 Once upon a time , thought Lydia , when I was in love with him , he would 've socked me for that .
9 Many genuine cases would have been put aside , delayed and not arranged in time — If the hon. Member for Oldham , West would like to challenge me on that
10 I 've been cooped up with my work , but I 'm sure my security staff would have notified me of any unexpected guests . ’
11 ‘ I should think Dane will enjoy embracing me in this outfit , do n't you ? ’
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