Example sentences of "[modal v] [not/n't] [adv] [verb] to be " in BNC.

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1 The first piece of advice that 's necessary is that you should n't just try to be fashionable by choosing juicy speeches that catch your eye without knowing the whole play and having a working idea of how to perform the speech .
2 At first glimpse it may not even appear to be armoured , but if the animal is taken into a predator 's mouth its fur is sufficiently spiky to cause acute discomfort and it is quickly dropped .
3 It may not even prove to be possible unless the criteria are very broad , and therefore ambiguous , because of the problems of recording mastery of a long list of criteria .
4 Livestock can appear to become split between two or more pieces of glass and while this may not initially seem to be a problem , it can become very irritating when you have to keep altering your viewing position to see your fish and other livestock in their entirety .
5 Herod , who reigned over Palestine at the time , could not even claim to be a Jew by birth .
6 It was argued that having accepted these rights , member States could not subsequently claim to be third parties with respect to any obligations of such a treaty .
7 Godfrey Carey , for the prosecution , told the jury that the young woman had ‘ only taken a lift from someone in whose hands you could not really expect to be more safe — an officer in uniform ’ .
8 So now he could n't even bear to be with her .
9 Matthews feels that X-rays could do the job more cheaply and safely — the shells would not even need to be opened up .
10 But adjudication officers may eventually claim that part-time employment is your normal pattern , and that you should not be entitled to benefit on the days you do n't work because you would not normally expect to be working anyway .
11 But adjudication officers may eventually claim that part-time employment is your normal pattern , and that you should not be entitled to benefit on the days you do n't work because you would not normally expect to be working anyway .
12 But adjudication officers may eventually claim that part-time employment is your normal pattern , and that you should not be entitled to benefit on the days you do n't work because you would not normally expect to be working anyway .
13 The intention of the Merger Regulation was to introduce a ‘ one-stop , merger control , described by Commissioner Sir Leon Brittan as a ‘ system whereby , in the case of smaller mergers , they would be subject only to national regulation … while in the case of the really large mergers which have implications for the whole Community , the European Commission would have the power to intervene , and companies would not normally need to be concerned about the national regulatory authorities ’ .
14 To be completely consistent perhaps Gandhi would not only have to be opposed to the killing of animals for food , but also to the killing of disease-carrying rats , mosquitoes , and venomous snakes , and those forms of plant life that are essential to a vegetarian diet .
15 ‘ Where there is a danger of eutrophication in this country , ’ says the government , ‘ usually the limiting factor is phosphate , and not nitrate ; if confined this would mean that zones would not therefore need to be designated to prevent eutrophication . ’
16 The Committee for Arts and Social Studies confirmed at its third meeting , in April 1966 , that ‘ it was established that courses submitted to the Council would not necessarily have to be directly vocational in nature ’ .
17 ‘ I hear things are so bad between the prince and princess , they ca n't even bear to be in the same room as one another , ’ said an estate worker .
18 The purchaser will not necessarily wish to be paid as if the income had been taxed .
19 The individual who becomes a tax exile and wishes to make a thorough job of it will not only cease to be UK resident ; he or she will wish to lose a UK domicile of origin .
20 ‘ If you act as a rubber stamp you can not also expect to be taken seriously as a watchdog . ’
21 New methods will come , no doubt , with the fruition of that research which the Home Secretary has urged and supported ; but we can not even claim to be using existing methods , when 7,550 prisoners are sleeping tonight three in a cell , and when policies which , but for the war , would have been on the statute book in 1939 , and have already been on the statute book for half a generation , have hardly begun to be carried into effect for lack of premises .
22 At the general election we shall be justified in saying that the Conservative party can not again claim to be the party of law and order .
23 Still , if you knew the pressure on beds here during the Festival you would be glad not to be in a tent in the gardens — often the fate of the young I do not , however , anticipate being away , as I can not really afford to be ( either literally £££ ) or away from job search which gets daily more depressing .
24 The likes of us we 've got a man behind us , but the likes of them I feel sorry for , they can not actually afford to be sick and that 's it .
25 If Mr Sisulu senior ( and his seven fellow detainees ) are allowed to take part in political activities , his wife Albertina and their son Zwelakhe , a newspaper editor , can not realistically continue to be restricted .
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