Example sentences of "[modal v] [not/n't] [be] used [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Nitrogenous fertilizers should not be used on new leys ( with the possible exception of one-year leys grown for hay or silage ) .
2 On reflection , does my right hon. Friend agree that precious police resources — the figure of £2 million has been mentioned — should not be used on vindictive , Soviet or Israeli-type show trials which are bound to be a travesty of British justice as practised by this country for a long time ?
3 Learners like hand-outs , but they should not be used with monotonous regularity to echo everything the teacher says .
4 Rozen reported hypoxia and recommended that narcotics should not be used for gastrintestinal endoscopy in the elderly .
5 The EP , concerned about moral implications of patenting human and animal life , has supported the Council of Europe efforts , most recently through a joint declaration urging that the Convention should be produced ‘ as speedily as possible ’ and supporting the principle that ‘ the human body should not be used for commercial purposes ’ .
6 Speaking at a meeting attended by some 400 people in the local village hall that continued for two and a half hours local primary teacher Donal O'Connor said children should not be used in future protests .
7 But the ‘ unique ’ circumstances of the deaths meant ‘ it should not be used in paediatric intensive care ’ until further information was available .
8 Should not be used in non-ventilated babies except in exceptional circumstances after discussion with the consultant .
9 Madeira wine is relatively expensive and should not be used in basic cooking to give richness or tenderness where a cheaper red or white wine would suffice .
10 Creams or ointments containing steroids often help reduce the inflammation and itching in the skin but should n't be used for long periods of time .
11 The statute occasionally provides in so many terms that the information may be used in evidence ; sometimes that it may not be used for certain purposes , inferentially permitting its use for others ; or it may be expressly prescribed that the evidence is not to be admitted ; or again , the statute may be silent .
12 This utility may not be used for foreign modules
13 This latter provision was seen as means to assure NATO that certain Warsaw Pact aircraft could not be used for offensive purposes .
14 One would ‘ ring-fence ’ or protect the grants to be given to local authorities so they could not be used for other purposes ; the other would give elderly and disabled people in local authority residential homes the same social security rights as those in private or voluntary sector homes .
15 This neutralised the efforts of the consortium since all funds committed so far had been for the purchase of the collection intact ; they could not be used for individual sale bids or any subsequent related negotiations .
16 It was , Joyce explained , ‘ a song generally used by anti-Fascists of Communist persuasion , and one which would not be used by nice Worthing people . ’
17 If they 'd done so , if they 'd insisted that local authorities did provide the sites they are supposed to provide I believe there would now be sufficient pitches for all travellers and that they would n't be used for illegal parking erm at the level that there is at the moment .
18 Most of all of course , with magnets inside the tank , it ca n't be used in marine set-ups .
19 The only disadvantage of the method is that it can not be used for certain solvents , such as alcohol , which do n't appear to be absorbed by Tenax .
20 Normally a biosensor can not be used for practical biofluid measurements without some degree of protection from background interference and biofouling .
21 Because of its protein content Simplesse can not be used for deep fat frying , although it can be used in some cooking applications — the cream can be used to make sauces or the cheese to make pizza or lasagne , but both these products are only available in the US at the moment .
22 For these reasons monetarists argue that monetary policy can not be used for short-run demand management .
23 Although Ennodius 's panegyric can not be used as absolute proof that Gregory 's chronology for Clovis 's conversion is wrong , it does suggest that there was conflict between the Franks and the Alamans shortly before 508 .
24 What is indubitable is that they are used of effects , that they can not be used of unnecessitated events , and hence that effects as we understand them are not unnecessitated events .
25 Contact with the service can not be used in disciplinary proceedings .
26 These extra cards can only be used by that shaman — they can not be used by other shamans .
27 This extra card can only be used by that shaman — the card can not be used by other shamans .
28 At this stage , most if not all expert systems can not be used by naive users ; a reasonable general knowledge of the area of expertise covered by the system ( its knowledge domain ) is essential if the output produced is to be taken seriously , just as the scope , limitations and difficulties presented by a new piece of legislation can only be predicted with any certainty by a lawyer and , even then , not always correctly .
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