Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] have [verb] to the " in BNC.

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1 This may perhaps have corresponded to the last creation of the world , for the Maya believed that the world had been created and destroyed several times .
2 Kirkman and Hendy , the Earl of Camden 's agents , may merely have responded to the College 's advertisement , but another explanation for their involvement seems possible .
3 In June of that year Eliot met a figure from what must now have seemed to the London banker a remote part of his life .
4 Other problems obscure the issue ; whoever killed Alexander must surely have got to the ferry first , crossed the Firth of Forth , knew the route the King was to take , carried out their plan and got away , hoping the King 's companions would not discover this .
5 ‘ I should never have gone to the hairdresser — ’
6 Oh I 'll just have to go to the shop .
7 ‘ Well , ’ he said , ‘ we 'll just have to get to the house and start proving that this particular astrologer has her finger on the button , wo n't we ? ’
8 A few years earlier Aung San might possibly have taken to the jungle , bandit or resistance fighter according to one 's viewpoint , known only within a few miles of his own home .
9 On the other hand , vascular insufficiency might also have contributed to the impaired peristalsis , because appreciable vascular deposits were seen in our AA cases .
10 He might even have warmed to the challenge .
11 ‘ There is no legal justification whatever ’ , he thundered , ‘ in saying that Meehan was wrongly convicted , and having heard all the evidence in this case , you might well have come to the clear conclusion that he was in fact rightly convicted . ’
12 City might well have added to the score minutes later when Ralph Purner struck a shot at goal , but O'Shaughnessy blocked .
13 Local authorities were totally excluded from the activities of the UDCs and some of the government finance which might otherwise have gone to the local authorities was diverted to UDCs .
14 The few Communists , Fascist and Stop-the War candidates who ignored the truce were badly defeated until towards the end of the war when the newly formed Commonwealth began to win seats which might otherwise have gone to the Labour Party .
15 This is the " dear green place " that its name may once have meant to the Celts .
16 Not that the journey was far — they could almost have walked to the small airstrip , which was securely guarded .
17 In such a close encounter it surely could never have happened to the local hero in Italy , San Juan or other more volatile boxing outposts .
18 Other factors may also have contributed to the large variability in prevalence rate of gastric metaplasia as mentioned in published works .
19 The first of these can be demonstrated at several sites where a religious element appears to predominate at the core ; besides Harlow , with its ditched temenos , central precincts can also be seen at Irchester , Springhead and Wycomb , while much the same level of importance may originally have attached to the enclosure at Frilford .
20 His absence may even have contributed to the tragedy , for on his deathbed Albert lamented , ‘ if only Stockmar were here …
21 At club level , his persistent niggling paid off , but at international level , it often acted as a destabilising influence , and may well have led to the premature departure of Willie Ormond as the national team manager .
22 It may well have contributed to the 1989 decision to introduce a policy of ‘ Power to the Routes ’ for the current decade .
23 This has undoubtedly caused temporary local damage and may well have contributed to the general decline of the shrimp fishery . ’
24 Hybrid vigour may well have contributed to the robustness with which the ranch escapees established themselves so widely , quickly spreading along the waterways and coasts and filling a niche left virtually empty after the removal by gamekeepers of otters , stoats and polecats .
25 This may well have contributed to the feeling that the UK was overtaxed , despite the fact that this is contradicted by the evidence ( see Table 16.5 below ) .
26 On the other hand , they are probably less likely to join the transient homeless moving out of the area , and a number may well have returned to the sub-continent for a period , thus masking levels of continuing illness .
27 The high moral principle , to use his own phrase , of mid-Victorian muscular Christianity , may well have seemed to the agnosticism of early twentieth-century scientific certainty an insubstantial basis for the development of Co-operation ; and , as a derivative from the French , from the advocacy by Louis Blanc and Buchez of self-governing Producers ' Associations formed by workmen and operating through ‘ National Workshops ’ , the concept was not only at odds with but alien to that of the British Movement which had come to be dominated by the Consumer Movement .
28 Elena Ceauşescu was not without her own ambitions and may well have agreed to the ( temporary ) sidelining of Nicu after he made some mild protests about the state of the food supply in Sibiu .
29 I 'm sure Linfield would rather have got to the first round proper by playing football but at least they 've played it by the rules and good luck to them against Copenhagen .
30 Even if this outcome had not occurred , and by some miracle the world economy had continued to grow after 1918 , it is not possible that States would merely have accommodated to the requirements of growing world trade .
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