Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] [be] [art] [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It should always be the client who decides how to proceed .
2 Unless one supposes there to be two categorially different kinds of appearances presented to the mind it will then seem that this flat circle must be the only object of visual perception , and the round globe I seem to see , the epistemic appearance , must really be a judgement I mistake for a sensation .
3 No special LIFESPAN privileges are required to use this option ( unless you wish to update user roles ) but you must either be the user you wish to update or an ascendant of that user .
4 It may just be the book you have been trying to find for years !
5 But then , that 'll just be the fronts you see .
6 We 'll still be a team which tackles every situation together ’ , Farr-Jones says .
7 It could rather be the context itself that is determining the nature of the exchanges .
8 Someone who says there is not actual entity separate from the world called beauty could still be a chap who believed that the word beautiful had a vivid and important use .
9 Someone who says there is no actual entity separate from the world called beauty could still be a chap who believed that the word ‘ beautiful ’ had a vivid and important use .
10 Reaction-diffusion could well be the way they arise in development .
11 There could however be a tribunal which had jurisdiction to determine whether the preliminary state of facts existed ; here it would be for the inferior tribunal to decide upon all the facts .
12 It may even be the school you know ?
13 It may well be a belief which has been and still is , widely shared by top industrialists themselves .
14 It may well be a volunteer who 's willing to be
15 Betty Jackson may well be a designer whose clothes you admire but whose price tags you ca n't afford .
16 A media specialist , for instance , may well be a teacher who has through additional training and experience gained an extra competency ; a person with full professional qualifications and experience as a librarian may also ( as we saw ) be a recognized teacher , or have a diploma in educational technology .
17 He may simply be an entrepreneur who perceives the opportunity to buy resources at a total cost lower than the revenue he can obtain from the sale of output .
18 Eismark said he felt guilty because his first marriage had never ended , he said it could never end — das wird nie vorüber sein — and it would always be a secret he must keep from his new wife .
19 They would also have to observe the requirements of national employment legislation and this would always be the case whatever developments may occur on the education side .
20 He knew the machine like an old friend ( it would probably be the personality he 'd miss most ) , but he still could n't trust it as much as he trusted himself .
21 Having completed her treatment , Joyce would never be a person who actively liked birds .
22 Colin Parry , 37 , a personnel officer , wept as he said his 12-year-old son would never be the way he was but they wanted him to live and they would make a life for him .
23 Out of the surplus-value which is unproductively consumed there will obviously be a portion which goes on personal consumption .
24 The liable person will normally be the resident who owns the property ( s75 ) ; joint owners are jointly liable as is the resident spouse of a liable person ( s77 ) .
25 Thus , if the trustees of an interest in possession trust were actually to pay monies it will generally be the trustees who will be treated for the purpose of income tax as having made the payment and not the beneficiary ; if bare trustees , nominees or agents were to pay monies the beneficial owners or principals will generally be treated as having made the payments .
26 Does the Minister agree about the urgent need to exploit the resources of the Irish sea , in the hope that there will soon be a Government who will not dissipate the revenues from such exploration , as happened so tragically in regard to the North sea ?
27 There will usually be an instruction which tells you to either steam , press , or cover with a damp cloth after blocking pieces so size .
28 Sadly , there will always be a customer who will want a bomb-proof surface .
29 The alternative is that because risky details are more important in a driving task they will always be the aspects which are described , other aspects may be noticed but are simply not regarded as important .
30 And the man who wins will probably be the man who sorts out the NSR 's quirky handling .
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