Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] [vb infin] that i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I must also admit that I 'd lost faith at this goal !
2 But while on the subject of confessing ignorance , I must also state that I have so far made it through life without witnessing or participating in an Orange Walk .
3 I must also say that I resent the tendency of the Act to line the pockets of lawyers out of the tragic situations of families and children in trouble .
4 Let's just say that I deem it wiser to get a head start on them . ’
5 Let's just say that I 've got the matter in hand . ’
6 Let's just say that I had a lot of time to learn things — about survival in terrible times , and camouflage , and new ways of living .
7 Let's just say that I do n't think Bertha would appreciate your particular brand of sympathy .
8 You 'd much prefer that I did n't . ’
9 There was a click and she 'd gone , and I could hardly believe that I 'd ever doubted her as a relay post .
10 We have pretty much shared responsibility in looking after the house — though they 'd probably argue that I do naff all !
11 ‘ I 'd say that you 're being totally rude and arrogant , ’ Alyssia snapped , ‘ and I 'd also say that I think a meal out with André will more than get me back to my old , charming self ! ’
12 But I fear you may not believe me : because you may well think that I 've made the process seem incredibly complicated .
13 People would obviously conclude that I had died a coward .
14 If I said , ‘ It looks blue ’ but otherwise seemed incapable of colour discrimination , of being able to respond differently , verbally and in other ways , to differently coloured things , and , particularly , of being able to tell when other blue things were present and when absent , then people would rightly suspect that I did not know what I was talking about , that my experience could not really be of its looking blue .
15 I would also stress that I do not claim any special archival expertise .
16 Although I would also say that I do n't suppose there are very many Councillors that do n't actually , at the end of the day , being a Councillor is costing them a lot of money and those members ' allowances are very , very small and they certainly in my case nowhere near cover the cost of being a County Councillor .
17 They would really believe that I had gone completely mad .
18 Many writing on the mid-seventeenth century at present would legitimately claim that I have marked out these positions too exclusively .
19 I I would simply say that I think it does deserve maximum weight because I you will not be surprised to hear , er take the same view as Mr from Leeds City Council , that under no circumstances should the the settlement be located anywhere other than in a location which will serve York and not Leeds .
20 Here I will just assert that I think my comparisons are part of a ‘ historical materialist method ’ .
21 You will soon see that I have been right all this time .
22 I will always maintain that I had a good time in service , and from what I heard there were n't many bad places in the Teesdale area — just the odd one here and there .
23 Who will ever believe that I lay there , stripped naked , 1,000 metres up on top of a hill that is 300 kilometres north of the Arctic Circle ?
24 Regular readers will doubtless remember that I tipped The Silence of the Lambs for Best Picture Oscar way back on June 2 .
25 You will doubtless recall that I have written to you before on this subject .
26 Also , I am a bit older than the rest of you , but you can perhaps understand that I do n't want to drop dead without a proper and public recantation .
27 I have tried the Theakston 's brewed at the Masham brewery in recent weeks , and can only comment that I prefer the Gallowgate product .
28 I can only think that I mean it sticks to the sides of the bin at the bottom
29 I can only say that I know not whence they came , nor have ever enquired whither they are going .
30 I can only say that I see no right whatsoever . ’
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