Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] [vb infin] [art] [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 These are accumulated over many years and may vigorously colour the way we respond to all kinds of situations today .
2 The magisterial pronouncement of Sir George Macdonald on the Antonine Wall has now been overthrown by the brilliant study of the samian by Brian Hartley ( 1972 ) , and the work at Carpow and other Severan sites will help to stabilize the dating of the pottery of this period , so with more revisions and adjustments , we may eventually have a framework which will endure , but only possible since all the groundwork had been so carefully prepared .
3 On the other hand , if we confine our view of drama to that of performance art we may so love the mask we overlook the face .
4 The back up pack should perhaps contain the leaflet you sent to us .
5 It is natural that any suggestion of lack of … of affection for this child should so upset a man who is of the highest integrity — ’
6 He must always believe the things she told him about other people , especially those in his father 's family , but Frankie sometimes found her instructions very hard to understand .
7 During these past ten years , he had learned a great deal about his stepfather 's business ; not only did he trudge the streets collecting money , which he then took to the bank after it had been religiously recounted by Luther , but he was the one who made all the entries into the ledgers ; he was the one who always met with accountants and reported back to his stepfather , who constantly grumbled that he was ‘ too ill and racked with pain' to weigh himself down with the burden of meetings and ridiculous men in ridiculous suits , with their ridiculous ideas that a man should always invest the money he earns with the sweat of his brow …
8 Ask anybody who is knowledgeable about computers and they will tell you that you should always choose the software you want to run first , then buy a computer which is suitable to run this .
9 The Aten itself was amoral ; but in life one should always forgive a man who had sinned .
10 You should carefully consider the duties you require of a companion and write a ‘ job description ’ so that there is no misunderstanding by either party as to what is expected .
11 If banks lower the interest rates they charge to borrowers , they must also lower the rate they pay to depositors .
12 As an objective it must also cover the market it will sell in , a sales estimate and a target date for launching , whether it replaces or supplements other products in the range and any other relevant information defining the nature of the product .
13 We will discuss problems such as these in chapter 8 by using an actual schedule which incorporates examples of mistakes , but before doing this we must also consider the problems which arise from lack of understanding of the question .
14 Their smiles and chuckles should instantly alert the parents who must stop using this method immediately .
15 The music , to be satisfactory , may need contrasting sections , differing textures , and periods of thematic recall ; and such factors must not only be compatible with the text , but should also form a whole which is a perfect expression of the words .
16 But what Roger Cook and his researchers entirely failed to do was to use the interesting current developments within WWF to highlight a crucial debate of which we are all a part — namely the values that should now guide the work we do in our respective movements , and how to make those values germane and relevant to people the world over .
17 The Church should now recognise the priority which needs to be given to music if the impoverishment of services is not going to continue .
18 ‘ I must now mention a point which I hope will not give rise to difficulties .
19 So all these people who lecture to us about democracy should really examine the situation it 's got nothing to do with democracy whatsoever when less people are entitled to have a say .
20 The winner 's conker was then a oner , when it had disposed of two it became a twoer , but if it should then beat a threeer it then became a fiver .
21 Systematic sampling of West German voters carried out in 1979–80 indicated that 13 per cent of all voters in the Federal Republic had a consolidated extreme rightist ‘ world view ’ ; 14 per cent responded positively to the statement that ‘ we should again have a Leader who would rule Germany with a strong hand for the good of all ’ .
22 Because her expectations were realistic , she accepts without rancour the fact that she must either do the work herself or employ someone to do it for her .
23 Men often oppose family planning , so many women must either hide the fact they are using birth control or meet with considerable opposition .
24 Involvement is one thing , but we should never make the mistake which we may have done in relation to local government , of appearing to focus all our energies in one direction .
25 The National Association of Funeral Directors , may shortly have a scheme which will cover funeral costs .
26 Your firm may already have a brochure which gives details about how the firm works , its personnel and hopefully its charging rates .
27 Diane , I believe that if I place this disc onto the rotating turntable of a hi-fi system — not forgetting to place the stylus onto the groove , of course — then we may just find the break we 're looking for …
28 Diane , I believe that if I place this disc onto the rotating turntable of a hi-fi system — not forgetting to place the stylus onto the groove , of course — then we may just find the break we 're looking for …
29 ‘ If you 'll just sign the book I 'll take you to one . ’
30 I 'll just go an lock me door then .
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