Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] [verb] [verb] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I was more of an outsider than ever , but something in me must still have wanted to belong to the family because I was still making deliberate attempts to communicate with the other members .
2 Yet another , fortunately quite rare , follows you around when it sees secateurs in your hands and drops a few eggs into the soft pith of the stem when you make a cut , before the cut wound has had time to callus and heal itself — another reason why you should always try to confine cutting to a fine dry day .
3 There was no reason , except chance , why I should ever have travelled to live in a remote island on the other side of the world , for my future in England had been mapped out .
4 In order to establish their seriousness and integrity in seeking exclusive negotiations , the buyer should also consider volunteering to enter into a confidentiality agreement with the seller .
5 As I have never been interested in argument , he must often have felt frustrated by my silences , my refusal to rise to the bait .
6 Maybe Ross should never had got married in the first place .
7 Not funny anymore , run by suits , staffed by schoolboys , bloody shame , should never have got rid of Malcolm Muggeridge .
8 We should never have got rid of the little Fiat we used to have which started first time every time and if anything did go wrong you could fix it with an elastic band or a bit of string , Gianluigi used to say , although personally I 'm hopeless with machinery .
9 Had they seen billions of neutrons as well as the heat then they would have known for sure that fusion was occurring ; and may already have begun to worry about their health from prolonged exposure .
10 Not nice fat rolls like I usually get , he 'll just have to make do with this wo n't he ?
11 And erm and she says you know well she just has to do what she has to do he can go to school and but she 'll just have to make do on you know , what money she has .
12 Advice like ‘ it 's your age ’ or ‘ you 'll just have to learn to live with it ’ is beginning to wear thin and many people are seeking desperately for alternatives which hold out the promise of improved health .
13 Paul , on the other hand , is an improbably fresh-faced 22 , who might just have to start shaving in time for the return of Halley 's comet .
14 You might even try walking to work in them .
15 His daughter Anna might well have expected to benefit from his death .
16 Tribunals might well have continued to develop without any critical analysis of their impact on the administration of justice , had it not been for one of those incidents of poor administration whose wider implications can not be ignored .
17 The Silmarillion might then have come to look like ( for example ) The Saga of King Heidrek the Wise , written late but preserving intensely moving fragments of verse from some much older time now lost ; even the editorial matter would then reinforce the effect of age and darkness ( a device Tolkien used on a much smaller scale for The Adventures of Tom Bombadil ) .
18 And if King Richard is now dead , then it was by Lancaster 's order he died , and whatever title Lancaster might otherwise have possessed to inherit from him is forfeit .
19 Frere watched him go , and such hopes as he might briefly have entertained receded with the clop of hooves .
20 I 'd rather trying to spare thought for your grandpa Willie .
21 We 'd already come to know rapping via The Sugarhill Gang 's success a couple of years before , but this was a novel thing , a glimpse of what music would be like in the future .
22 Charles V could scarcely avoid having to respond to the appeals lodged by Albret and Armagnac .
23 But he could hardly wait to get rid of Antony so that he could test it .
24 I could always arrange to stay to look after you . ’
25 I do n't think we could ever have made Caring for People work when the CPNs were here in the hospital and the social workers were 10 miles away in Retford . ’
26 ‘ I wonder how your mother could ever have come to live with Viola , ’ said Greg .
27 So Peter Yeo had to look reassuring and solid and a bit older , while Timothy Hutton could probably have come to work in striped organza without losing a single client .
28 And there was a satisfaction about it although I always think in those days we had to work so fast that there was n't the time to do what you 'd really like to have done for the patients .
29 Thanksgiving for deliverance from the plague could then have become attached to a festival already in existence .
30 I could never have gone to live in that house . ’
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