Example sentences of "[modal v] [be] [vb pp] to some [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was decided that in future the proceeds should be given to some charity , clearly stated beforehand , and this would encourage greater participation .
2 While the councillors felt it appropriate that the Church Hall should be put to some use they objected to the proposal for a function room and made the following points :
3 Parents should be held to some degree , not necessarily to a tune of a thousand pound , but they should be made in some way , to be responsible for their
4 Ergo , Sir Ralph 's death must be linked to some mystery in his past , something connected with his days as a warrior in Outremer . ’
5 He insisted that this was a voice with characteristic qualities which might be exploited to some purpose on the air .
6 ‘ No-o … these things are numbered and they 'll be cross-indexed to some sort of register of names .
7 This financial crowding out , as it is called , could be offset to some extent by an increase in the speed at which money circulates — the velocity of circulation .
8 Consistently the view was presented that one had to feel that the job which one was doing at a particular time could be related to some end product .
9 There 'd be so many other people around that she 'd be cushioned to some degree from the effect of his presence , she had reasoned .
10 This may be caused to some extent by the general abstractness of the language ; but it is also a matter of the kinds of syntactic presentation and complexity that James favours : ( i ) Just as he seems to avoid calling a spade a spade , so James seems to avoid putting first things first .
11 Our clinical findings suggest that the neuronal disorder may be compensated to some degree because the intestines are richly innervated .
12 Political power may be decentralized to some extent , made more democratic , involve the active participation of larger numbers of people , become less directly coercive , but there seems to be no ground upon which to base a theory of the total ‘ withering away ’ of the state and the whole political sphere .
13 Dictionaries define one word in terms of others , and this characteristic may be shared to some extent by semantic memory .
14 ( ii ) The professional judgement of the assessors may be focused to some degree by the employment of criteria .
15 On 7 September he delivered a television broadcast in which he claimed that , for the sake of the economy and the national wellbeing , the election would be postponed to some time in 1979 .
16 How their roles might be enhanced in recognition of the behavioural literature will be examined to some extent in chapter 9 .
17 The reduction in one liquid asset ( balances with the Bank of England ) will be offset to some extent by an increase in another liquid asset ( Treasury bills ) .
18 Delivering the keynote address at the Windows World annex to Comdex yesterday , Bill Gates announced that NT source code will be given to some US research institutions , including the Massachusetts Institute of Technology , the University of Washington , Stanford University , Browns University and Xerox Palo Alto Research Center and they will be free to make their own enhancements to the Microsoft Corp operating system : Unix System Laboratories Inc has been less encouraging of the university fraternity in recent years , and the move is intended to unsettle the Unix community ; Gates also claimed NT 's Posix interface made it as easy ‘ to move applications here as to any of the versions of Unix out there . ’
19 Delivering the keynote address at the Windows World annex to Comdex last week , Bill Gates announced that NT source code will be given to some US research institutions , including the Massachusetts Institute of Technology , the University of Washington , Stanford University , Browns University and Xerox Palo Alto Research Center and they will be free to make their own enhancements to the Microsoft Corp operating system .
20 All the people involved in those family relationships will be affected to some degree or another depending on how strong ( positively or negatively ) the emotional tie was .
21 It should be noted , however , that the spatial impact of scale economies will be ameliorated to some extent if the relevant industry/sector is already integrated to a relatively high level within Europe .
22 The EC has now agreed on a minimum of 15% VAT for most goods , but reduced rates ( minimum 5% ) will be applied to some categories , such as books and transport .
23 Dr Hazel will be known to some staff : he worked for the Edinburgh City Engineer 's Department and in 1975 transferred to the Regional Council , working in the Transportation and Highway Planning Division .
24 If a-trait is heritable , all classes of relatives will be correlated to some extent . )
25 The dependence here upon existing stock sizes is an obvious disadvantage , and can be counterbalanced to some extent by allocating on the basis of use — though even this will in part at least reflect existing conditions .
26 This can be counteracted to some extent by the addition of materials such as poly-phosphates , which sequester the calcium and magnesium ions , but this is an expensive way of softening water .
27 The language of the original , or oddities of spelling or punctuation , can be amended to some degree — an important consideration when using such material with primary school pupils or pupils with learning difficulties .
28 The origin of quartz grains can be determined to some degree , and mixing of quartz grains , feldspars and heavy minerals from different sources more easily detected , e.g. Stow & miller ( 1984 ) , Richter & zinkernagel ( 1975 ) .
29 Most can be developed to some degree , but could be restricted on size , headroom and shape .
30 Not more than two adjoining fragments should be stuck at the same time , but for quickness different areas of the same bone can be reconstructed to some extent independently .
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