Example sentences of "[modal v] [be] [vb pp] [adv prt] over [art] " in BNC.

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1 Advisers say the change — aimed at meeting European Community moves towards equality for the sexes — should be phased in over a 15-year period .
2 For maximum usefulness , these measurements must be carried out over a wide range of temperature .
3 ‘ We pulled out all the stops to produce extra stock needed to meet the charter flights , so the paint could be flown in over the weekends . ’
4 Other advantages proposed for speech are that the hands are free to perform other tasks and that communication may be carried out over a standard telephone line without the requirement for additional hardware .
5 In large-scale national surveys , as carried out regularly by market research firms and government agencies , interviews may be carried out over the whole country and the people who have the task of making the analysis of several hundred or thousand schedules can not possibly be for ever phoning through to the interviewers to ask what some cryptic little scribble opposite question number 15 is supposed to mean .
6 What it is , is that it would be averaged out over the blood as a whole .
7 Therefore , under SSAP 24 the shortfall of £30m would be written off over the average remaining service life of the employees in the scheme .
8 The stocking level would be built up over the weeks .
9 Mr Paterson said the formal consultation process on permanent closure of Heiton would be carried out over the summer .
10 The light waves emitted from the surface of the star between 10:59:59 and 11:00 , by the astronaut 's watch , would be spread out over an infinite period of time , as seen from the spaceship .
11 This level of pay was never conceived of as being a realizable objective for a statutory minimum wage that would be brought in over a short period of time .
12 Tory sources insist that Mr Major is leaving the decision up to backbenchers , who will be sounded out over the next few days .
13 The implication of this three-year transition is that the existing assessment and examination system will be phased out over a number of years , as courses are transferred to the new system .
14 2.3 The implication of this three-year transition is that the existing assessment and examination system will be phased out over a number of years , as courses are transferred to the new system .
15 Protection will be phased out over the following three years ( 1991–92 to 1993–94 ) .
16 However , this is not expected to happen for some time and even when reform is introduced , the probability is that it will be phased in over a number of years .
17 SCOTVEC 's new system of Advanced Courses will be phased in over a three year period .
18 The tax will be phased in over a three-year period from July 1994 .
19 The extra 300 staff will be phased in over the next few years .
20 The yard will be run down over the next three weeks with the loss of 600 jobs .
21 This will be cut back over a period of time .
22 it is n't necessary , well it is the same as saying it is n't true , it is n't necessary er because this will be built up over a period and it will be for er the Government in all the normal ways in the public expenditure round to decide how much goes into the passenger franchises and through that therefore into the Briti the Rail Track investment .
23 The first will be shipped out over the next few weeks to start competing with the conventional hydrofoils , Boeing Jetfoil and high-speed catamarans that vie for business on the 78 km route to Macau .
24 Several prospective schemes were suggested and will be worked on over the winter .
25 The refurbishment scheme ‘ A Good Place to Live ’ will be carried out over a period of five years .
26 Assessment of progress will be carried out over the two year period and will be based on the completion of design notebooks , workbooks , pattern drafts , knitted samples and garments and finally a written examination .
27 Follow-up visits will be carried out over the next three weeks , to obtain additional information on equipment , software , and your immediate working environment .
28 The assessment will be carried out over the Christmas and New Year period as a consultancy , reporting to me .
29 Drainage : what needs to be done before a good soil structure can be built up over the whole farm ?
30 The installation of pre-payment meters is one reason why the number of disconnections has fallen , but more important is the fact that the regional electricity companies , under the terms of their licence , have to approve a code of conduct with the Office of Electricity Regulation and must offer customers who are in genuine difficulties a payment plan so that debt can be paid off over a period .
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