Example sentences of "[modal v] [be] [adv] [verb] [prep] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 In order to allow EC member states to agree how triangulation supplies should be separately identified on EC sales listings , businesses using the simplification option need not disclose details of their triangulation supplies during the quarter ending 31 March 1993 until they complete the statement for the quarter ending 30 June 1993 .
2 The committee thought that for a grass court tournament she should be marginally favoured over Sanchez Vicario . ’
3 He argued that Britain 's role in the world should be thoroughly reappraised by Washington .
4 The initial effort concentrated on the applicability gap , where the working party recommended : ( i ) that there should be a programme of collaborative research between the IT research community and the other engineering communities supported by the Engineering Board , ( ii ) that the research projects should be jointly funded by ITAB and the Engineering Board , and , ( iii ) that funding should build up to a total of £10 million per annum over five years .
5 The members decided that the unilateral introduction of Performance Related Pay on a one-to-one basis was not the way forward and if , at any stage , it was to be introduced , it should be collectively negotiated by IBOA on behalf of its members .
6 Partnership It should rival the best of European cities and should be famously celebrated in Britain as an example of what can be achieved when resources and the expertise to implement solutions to environmental problems are combined with civic will . ’
7 Austen Chamberlain represented such fears when he told Willoughby de Broke of what might be yet to come in November 1913 :
8 Saltworks on the River Weaver could be economically supplied with Wigan 's coal to dry the salt .
9 Buried in a box in the ground , the find was kept secret so that it could be properly excavated by Suffolk County 's archaeological department , headed by Judith Plouviez , the County Archaeology Officer .
10 But before his ‘ Flying Circus ’ could be properly established at Verdun , there came the shattering news on June 18th of the death of Immelmann .
11 Advance notice of car movements had to be given , but no charge was made by either party and at last S.M.E.T. cars could be thoroughly overhauled at Hendon .
12 Rub it right into the roots ! ’ which could be clearly heard by Matilda in her bedroom across the corridor .
13 There could be further strain for Gen Noriega .
14 Since they were working with coordinators whose jobs were — at LEA insistence — properly specified , their anomalous position in the school could be severely aggravated by PNP .
15 ‘ There 's a water main burst down by Lime'ouse Church so yer 'd be better goin' via Cable Street .
16 We present a patient with PHT and PBC in the absence of demonstrable portal hypertension , suggesting that primary pulmonary hypertension may be independently associated with PBC .
17 ‘ That little bugger , ’ said Georgiades , ‘ may be most places in Cairo but he 's not everywhere .
18 It is likely that most of the qualifications developed in this way will be designated as Scottish Vocational Qualifications and many may be jointly certificated by SCOTVEC and the Lead Body .
19 This observation may be readily confirmed on Pembrokeshire shores ( Table 3 ) .
20 Britain 's partners will put strong pressure on Mr Major to promise that the pound will rejoin the exchange-rate mechanism , which , they fear , may be further weakened by Britain 's devaluation .
21 Shirvan-grade rugs may be further divided into Azerbaijan and Armenian sub-grades ( Azerbaijan is slightly finer ) .
22 He cringed at the elaborate Dickensian menus adorning each place , but was grateful for the fact that the catastrophe of the banquet , for such he was sure it would be , would be firmly laid at Mr Dickens 's door and not his own .
23 Their jobs would be completely lost for Hertfordshire , you ca n't commute from Hatfield to Stansted and those people Hatfield
24 You could n't call Tom Russell 's sister pretty , Belinda decided , but at the same time she knew that most men would be instantly attracted to Mrs Hamilton and would call her beautiful .
25 Newspapers and packets would be thrown out by Cadwallader onto the platform while any more fragile parcels would be carefully lobbed into Mrs Bason 's out-stretched skirt .
26 Laidlaw 's raid , however , had other repercussions , for the Japanese built more extensive defences around Dili and manned them day and night ; a use of men and resources that in eight or so weeks would be desperately needed on Guadalcanal , or later that year in defences against other Allied landings .
27 Whatever gains they made from Smith 's 10 per cent increase in allowances would be largely offset by Norman Lamont 's new 20 per cent income tax band .
28 In Austria it was announced on Aug. 13 that the visa requirement for Poles would be finally lifted on Sept. 1 — having originally been abolished in 1988 , but having been hurriedly re-introduced in on Sept. 6 , 1990 , in the face of a massive immigration surge .
29 Mr Kelly said that everything would be strictly controlled in Cagliari .
30 A man such as Mikhail Vologsky would be equally relaxed in Moscow or New York , Leningrad or Los Angeles .
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