Example sentences of "[modal v] [be] [verb] that [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It should be noted that we do not require immediate notification of any claim but in fact of any event which could give rise to a claim under the policy .
2 It should be noted that it follows from this that an action in respect of a public law wrong can be a private action for present purposes if it is against a non-governmental body .
3 Meanwhile , it should be noted that you do n't need a network to use Unix .
4 It should be noted that he remarks that ‘ people ’ do not want to see a black face , not that he personally objects to such a sight .
5 Galbraith 's views have been widely criticised , most frequently on grounds of exaggeration , though it should be noted that he does not suggest that the revised sequence has replaced the accepted sequence , but that there is a complex inter-action between the two .
6 The House should reject the amendment , but should be assured that we have taken on board the point made by the amendment .
7 Your aim should be to see that she does not suffer long periods of loneliness and that she feels so well cared for that she can manage to endure her period of sorrow without too many crutches , until life becomes worth living again .
8 However , it should be understood that it contains images of sexually explicit nature and is not recommended for those offended by such material .
9 I suppose I should be flattered that you gave me an ‘ A ’ — though I 'd be better pleased if you thought enough of me to send my flowers in person , instead of by remote control .
10 Finally , it should be emphasised that we had no complications in obtaining transjugular biopsies in patients with acute liver failure despite the severe coagulopathy inherent to this condition , even though these studies were frequently carried out in comatosed patients .
11 But , although Park and the Chicago School recognised these two levels of human behaviour , it should be said that they did still engage in some largely unhelpful metaphors between the social and the natural worlds .
12 It should be said that we have no intention of implementing this ratio .
13 In defence of Maxim 's interpretation , it should be said that it comes closer than usual to the notated metronome marks .
14 It should be said that he provided a major influence on inspiration in the development of the Division 's work in this area .
15 It should be said that anyone looking here for enlightenment about great music will reap scant rewards .
16 But once granted that we have adequate ground for interpreting people 's preferences as those of conscious beings , it is not clear why it should be denied that we have adequate clues as to whether they have pleasant or unpleasant experiences under various circumstances and for some judgements about the degree of the pleasure or pain involved which allow interpersonal comparisons .
17 While many of these bodies were underpinned by Labour and working-class support it should be recognized that they attracted support from across the social and political spectrum .
18 If I did not add this information , I felt I should be told that he had never heard of M. Guérigny .
19 Adoption should never be suggested as the next option after treatment failure , it should be stressed that it involves a different type of parenting to biological parenthood , and adoptive parents should be advised to contact an organisation such as Parent to Parent Information on Adoption or British Agencies for Adoption and Fostering ( BAAF ) for information .
20 Statistics are a summary of significant information and care should be taken that they convey true meanings ’ ( McGavran 1959:27 , 28 ) .
21 However , care should be taken that they do not lose their exceptional hardiness and thriftiness in pursuit of greater yields , and also that they do not become extinct through being crossed with Friesians .
22 Parents should be reminded that they have a responsibility and that they can be fined and required to pay compensation for acts committed by juveniles .
23 The ultimate source is Sir John Hawkins , who remarks , in what appears to be a personal recollection , that Handel had ‘ a favourite Rucker harpsichord , the keys whereof , by incessant practise , were hollowed like the bowl of a spoon ’ In justice to Hawkins it must be stated that he does have a reputation for being , for his time , a careful scholar , so it is unfortunate that this brief , almost casual remark , should have been embellished with a little fanciful romancing that appears to be added only to enliven his text with some colourful anecdote .
24 It was ironic , as it must be presumed that he had never set foot on French soil .
25 And if undermining the left was the intention of the reforms , then it must be said that they failed dismally .
26 In fairness , it must be said that they do point to other influential factors as well — to the need to raise the status and public worth of the teaching profession , to improve leadership skills among school principals , to restructure the curriculum , and so on .
27 Our customers tend to be left out of these reports , but it must be said that they did part cheerfully with over 13,000 and that we enjoyed meeting them .
28 At least in relation to this argument of Thomas ' against the ordination of women , it must be said that it does not hold water .
29 My opinion at the time was that Saunders had committed the foul , but it must be said that there appeared nothing malicious about the way he attempted to gain possession .
30 In fairness to de Valera , it must be said that he opposed any attempt to incorporate the church into the apparatus of the state and in this was , as already noted , going against the form of relationship preferred by the Popes of the day .
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