Example sentences of "[modal v] [be] [verb] for [noun] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Within Compact they should be looking for opportunities to improve the curriculum offer to students and promote the professional development of members of the department .
2 16–2–1910 The Moderator again asked that application should be made for leave to call a colleague and successor .
3 Setting out from Alfoxden at half-past four , Coleridge and the Wordsworths followed the Great Track over the Quantock Hills , and as they marched westward through a ‘ dark and cloudy ’ evening , agreed that a poem should be written for publication to cover the expenses of their journey .
4 Because the primary nurse can not personally be on duty to give care throughout that time , arrangements must be made for care to continue during her absence .
5 Figure 2 b shows the crystal size that must be exceeded for crystals to escape from the thermal boundary layer for a magma with viscosity of 30Pas , this being typical for basalt .
6 There is an argument of increasing popularity with government and some of the advisers to government , that since comprehensive schools are widely seen to do worse for their pupils than selective schools in terms of examination results , and since so many people , if they can afford it , are removing their children from the maintained comprehensive sector to independent schools ( which are broadly speaking selective ) a way must be found for government to supply non-comprehensive schools , in the interests of the country as a whole .
7 Though the state hopes to convert much of the sludge into commercial fertiliser , a back-up dumping site must be found for work to begin .
8 I 'm sure it could be arranged for Jimmy to come with us . ’
9 While it was widely accepted that by the end of the month few visible signs of the disaster remained , environmentalists warned against deceptive appearances and claimed that marine life could be affected for years to come .
10 The dilemma which faced them with regard to Artai was complex — even given the clear direction of the Yasa — and no one who was in possession of all the facts could be blamed for unwillingness to condemn the course which had been decided upon .
11 Part of this would be earmarked for incentives to promote combined heat and power ( CHP ) energy and other sources .
12 Bevan resuscitated the suggestion in his report of July 1808 to the committee of the Grand Union , and two months later notice was given that an Act of Parliament would be sought for powers to build a canal southwards from Foxton .
13 She says she is open to a book on any theme and would be looking for stories to reflect the multicultural nature of society , where this is appropriate .
14 She says she is open to a book on any theme and would be looking for stories to reflect the multicultural nature of society , where this is appropriate .
15 Society members who are at present on our own list would be asked for permission to allow their names to go forward enabling us to take part and benefit .
16 Bromley Challener said that he found it inconceivable , nay incomprehensible that so many local people could stand by and watch two courageous policemen set upon by rogues , and do nothing while these same officers received such grievous wounds that one had since died and the other would be incapacitated for months to come .
17 As soon as Edouard Balladur was appointed head of the new conservative government in March , he told them that he would be asking for sacrifices to clean up what he claimed was the worst economic mess France had known since 1945 .
18 We thought that a risk ratio of at least this size would be required for age to drive clinical decision-making .
19 Afterwards the plaster would be washed off and the brooms , now brittle twigs , would be used for months to come to sweep the floor .
20 A decision is expected shortly on whether Dr Siddiqui will be prosecuted for incitement to murder .
21 After long talks with WBC president Jose Sulaiman , Maloney is confident that approval will be given for Lewis to fight the Hammersmith-born Jamaican Alex Stewart in the first defence of his title .
22 Many different species will be featured for visitors to see , learn about and enjoy in rural surroundings .
23 Organisations such as the British Mountaineering Council see this as the thin end of the wedge where payment will be demanded for access to land which has previously been open to the public .
24 A right of reply will be instituted for viewers to combat media aggression .
25 Its status as a National Park means that its beauty and wildlife will be protected for generations to come .
26 Some of these will be remembered for years to come , not only in Halling but where ever the cement barges called .
27 No responsibility can be accepted for failure to contact the claims office within the stated hours .
28 What we are going to do is find a diet that not only helps you to achieve effective weight loss , but is really healthy , suits your individual needs , and can be followed for years to come in order to maintain the weight and shape you want .
29 Hand-knitted sweaters are hot fashion items this winter , and can be treasured for years to come .
30 Professional journals such as The Times Educational Supplement , Child Education and Junior Education will carry photographs and features on innovative work taking place at the school , these can be reproduced for parents to reinforce the message that their children 's school is a leader .
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