Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] with each [noun] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 The plaintiff can not shop around for the best offer , the two parties must deal with each other and strike an acceptable bargain through their own negotiating skill .
2 This opened the issue of how nerve cells might communicate with each other and eventually led to our now-sophisticated understanding of neurotransmitters .
3 So far as far as water sports are concerned I would make one reservation which is that there has to be some form of rationalization between competed sports which may conflict with each other and I am sure this can be achieved through the Sports Council machinery .
4 The Reds , only having a small area to defend could communicate with each other and knew how to defeat the Whites .
5 I was amazed that people could sit with each other and say so little . ’
6 This distance is not standard , but will vary with each airfield and runway .
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