Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] to be [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It 's only natural she should want to be with kids her own age . ’
2 … until subject matter theories with different epistemological characteristics have been formulated , the focus of our spatial planning must continue to be on supermarkets , roads and airports , and not on the needs and desires of those individual human beings that the facilities allegedly are constructed to serve .
3 Persuading people to a particular point of view is the essential aim of every public relations campaign , no matter how it may appear to be about products , concepts , policies , personalities , issues , or information and data .
4 In these cases , prevention might have to be in terms of limiting sales from chemist shops .
5 Scheler was anti-positivist and opposed to the ‘ cult of science ’ ( Hamilton 1974 : 75 ) which would appear to be at odds with Stark 's position .
6 In such a state , driven by the worst fear of all , that of sudden death , and given that they are all approximately equal in power , it would seem to be in men 's interests that they reach some agreement , each to have only as much liberty as he is prepared to allow to others .
7 The argument may seem to be about tactics ; but it is also about leadership .
8 They will want to be on committees and subcommittees where they can advance the interests of both their sponsors — those who have contributed to the costs of their , usually expensive , election campaigns and , it is hoped , will contribute to those of the next as well — and their constituents ; to some extent , these will be the same .
9 In order to offer the benefits outlined above , however , they will have to be in sectors of the local economy that are growing .
10 Conclusions will tend to be in terms of shifts within the system itself — adjusting the balance between groups , levels and interests of different times .
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