Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] to [be] [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 The rabbi 's wife had insisted it was her role to attend to their epileptic daughter several times each night ; her husband must sleep to be strong for the community .
2 Aunt M. nags and nags , and Uncle John said outright that he did n't see why they should have to be responsible for me , when Mother was only half-sister to Aunt Millicent .
3 Of course the reverse may also be possible , that hostility and resentment build up , but this is all the more reason that a social worker should continue to be available for old people in residential care and the families .
4 He advises that while the unit backs onto our store , as a self-contained unit , it should continue to be available for let on the open market .
5 Gardens which have been carefully designed and closely planted may appear to be unsuitable for additional plantings of herbs , but a herbaceous border , for instance , which needs to be re-dug every few years , with some of its incumbents divided or discarded , can well take some herbal plants , to supply flowers and/or architectural quality .
6 Neurotics may appear to be concerned for others , but this is based on unconscious hostility towards someone , so that their concern that someone may die , or fall very ill unless some particular action of their own is done or not done , really masks an unconscious wish for their death : ‘ … the original wish that the loved person may die is replaced by a fear that he may die ’ .
7 Good news for us but bad for them and that 'll have to be all for today , we 've been answering some of the queries that have reached us by post .
8 I 'd like to put one simple note and I think it 'll have to be simple for him to understand it but I would like to put one simple notion to him and that is that there is great merit in having public services sharing by people from all social classes .
9 They 've got most most times I think you 'll have to be unemployed for six months .
10 Come along , Mr Curtis , I think Mrs Sutherland 'd like to be alone for a bit . ’
11 I 'd hate to be responsible for organising an event billed as ‘ our last chance to save the Earth ’ .
12 WALES flanker Emyr Lewis , out of action since aggravating a shoulder injury last month , could struggle to be fit for the Five Nations match against England in Cardiff on February 6 .
13 So they 'd seem to be ideal for anyone wishing to avoid police cameras .
14 The survey indicates that sales volumes are up , but they still remain below what retailers would consider to be normal for the time of year . ’
15 One of the many unusual facets of Hannah Hauxwell is her reaction to certain situations which would daunt much more apparently sophisticated people and which one would expect to be overwhelming for a simple soul from the back of beyond , such as meeting , on level terms some of the famous and mighty , or appearing in front of milling crowds and even standing up to address them .
16 Before rehearsals started , he got himself in trim by running every day , knowing that he would have to be ultra-fit for each night 's three-hour performance , appearing on stage for almost every minute of it .
17 A new bus garage would then be built on the cleared site and would have to be ready for use by the time the trams in Croydon were abandoned .
18 This would have to be convenient for London , where most of the participants lived , and , in view of the unorthodox nature of the enterprise , preferably in private ownership .
19 Travelling by horse and camel caravan , as dictated by the terrain , they would have to be self-sufficient for all of their needs as they traversed vast plains and mighty forests , mountain passes and arid deserts , experiencing great extremes of heat and cold .
20 But it would seem to be impossible for us to return to patristic sensibilities , for the framework of thought which made that Christology possible is no longer with us .
21 Indeed action would seem to be necessary for the input systems to function properly : the role of eye-movements in vision being the most obvious case .
22 There is no neurophysiological model of the kind of convergence that would seem to be necessary for the many different sensations of the moment to be brought into synthetic unity , without loss of their individual distinctiveness and specificity , into the instantaneous sense of ‘ being here ’ ; or of the manner in which experience of many different moments can be synthesized into a sense of continuing self without those moments losing their separateness in memory .
23 Comparable data from H 2 receptor antagonist maintenance trials are limited , but would seem to be similar for both cimitidine 400 mg once daily ( estimated reduction in DU relapse rate compared with placebo ranges from 26% to 37% ) , ranitidine 150 mg once daily ( estimated reductions of 24%. 39% and 48% ) and famotidine 20–40 mg once daily ( estimated 32–34% reduction in relapse rate ) .
24 In the contract market , quality seems to be more important than price and it would seem to be good for the company to concentrate on contract carpet sales .
25 If Paul is Christianity 's chief apostle to Western Europe , Thomas , almost single-handed , would seem to be responsible for its dissemination eastwards .
26 It would seem to be inappropriate for the criminal law to remove a whole category of persons from its protection on the basis of words spoken at a ceremony of marriage which have no binding force .
27 In this particular case the client , who had a copy of the source code , could carry out error correction himself but , because he had brought the contract to an end , the supplier would cease to be liable for unremedied defects .
28 The Lord chancellor 's proposals , contained in Regulations due to come into effect on 12th April , would potentially affect about 12–14 million adults : some would cease to be eligible for legal aid ; some would have to pay much more than at present ; and some would be required to pay a contribution for the first time .
29 Gaidar ( as Deputy Premier in charge of economic reform — see below for his transfer to the Finance Ministry ) pledged government help for the farmers , promising that they would continue to be eligible for preferential loans , and that a draft bill to release farmers ' sons from military service was in preparation .
30 What may prove to be important for future generations of elderly people in terms of care and living arrangements , is the numbers who will have experienced a divorce .
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