Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] up and [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I decided to keep a rowing boat near our rooms , so that Herbert or I could row up and down the river , as far as Clara 's house .
2 Then erm , of course there were people who lectured on er gate courses on elementary German , there was a friend of Doctor , who used to go out and , to units and erm give lessons in German and erm there were , there was a unit of Polish erm soldiers stationed , they had an armoured train , believe it or not , which was erm parked at Saxmundham and erm every so often , particularly at night , they used to trample up and down the line .
3 He played the tin whistle for a living , you ken , he used to play up and down the streets in and and .
4 He was nicknamed ‘ The Resurrection Man ’ because he would row up and down the river by night , fishing up floating bodies — and picking their pockets before he handed them over to the police and claimed his reward .
5 Occasionally , the head of the house would commute up and down the river by paddle steamer during the week , visiting the Stock Exchange and attending to business , but apart from those few and the servants , the street was deserted .
6 The other is some Java Moss which I already have in large quantities and which grows anywhere and everywhere I find , tucked into every crevice and gap in the rockwork , with a couple of large potted vallis plants , which if our specimens here are anything to go by will grow up and along the full length of the tank without excessive care .
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