Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] and you [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Well we we 'll stop and you can have a look and if they 're any good
2 ‘ I 'll ride and you can follow me . ’
3 And the twelves 'll cancel and you 'll finish up with eight by six again .
4 I mean it does n't I used to hate it when I was doing plays there and you have er grease paint on and you 'd be you 'd try and you 'd have to cream on your face to get the grease grease paint off .
5 Now that would do , that would do whether the , whether the knuckles were hurt or it was just a minor cut in the palm of the hand there , that would do and you can use the same type of bandage on the foot alright , so that 's if the hand was damaged , now supposing we did n't have the hand damaged , but we had instead a cut up here , okay , again clean it and if you clean it with lots of water always remember to dry off around the wound because bugs love a moist skin to grow in , dry the wound before you apply the dressing okay if you can , dry it off the best you can and then you 're going to place that over the cut , remember you want the pad to be long enough , big enough , okay , now she can hold this for you again , she can hold it above where the wound is and now when you bandage this one you always bandage from the narrow part to the fat part of the limb , you always bandage from the narrow to the fat , so you take the bandage down
6 Cos you would come and you would buy the ticket from Linda who would give who would give you a Or from if he was here .
7 I got up and you know I swear I turned into Firmin for a moment and I said , ‘ Listen , Our Lady of Communications , I shall write and you will transmit as many fucking letters per day as I happen to feel like writing . ’
8 ‘ It used to be a tradition that when you drove past a gang of kids they would wave and you would wave back , ’ says Lt Watts .
9 I was afraid that people would talk and you would suffer from that . ’
10 Then you will be prepared for any conditions that you may encounter and you will brim with confidence .
11 Just one more letter asking ‘ when ’ the game in question will appear and you 'll see the entire ZZAP ! team disappearing over the edge of the nearest cliff .
12 Will whistle and you 'll dance
13 or , hang up and then the phone will ring and you 'll get the other who 's
14 Do this in a clockwise direction , not anticlockwise or they will unscrew and you could have a length of drain rod stuck down the drain — as well as the original blockage !
15 All day long you will work and you will slave , Allowing wheelchairs to go where you pave , Just look at the kids to keep tiredness at bay , Because for them you are making it a better day .
16 If you bend your head forward onto your chest , the seesaw will tilt and you must shuffle along the board to restore the balance .
17 After a pause Alison said , ‘ Do you think it will pass and you 'll pick up the pieces ? ’
18 That box will go and you 'll have name and year
19 In a few days the effects of the anaesthetic will diminish and you will feel better .
20 Ensure that you have some physical exercise during the day — although not just before going to bed or your heart/pulse rate will increase and you will find sleeping even more difficult .
21 He 's he 's shot himself in the foot in one sense , because he does n't know what we 've said already , so he may come and say exactly the same thing that we 've been saying , in which case we will cheer and you will boo .
22 However , the aesthetic quality of your publication will rise and you should save up to 30% on paper and , as a result , something on postage as well .
23 You should not ignore plaque , as ultimately you gums may recede and you will find yourself more likely to lose a tooth .
24 and this section on your L C D flashes and you can like and you can zoom in and it 'll say blah , blah , blah , road works at such and such avoid , or something like that
25 ‘ You can run and you can hide , but I 'm not leaving 'less you come with me . ’
26 ‘ You can run and you can hide , but I 'm not leaving 'less you come with me . ’
27 At the last Council meeting I quoted figures on comparative performance of the Conservative record on health against Labour 's and I make no apology for reiterating some of these figures , and you can howl and you can wail and you can say what you want , these are facts .
28 At the last Council meeting I quoted figures on comparative performance of the Conservative record on health against Labour 's and I make no apology for reiterating some of these figures , and you can howl and you can wail and you can say what you want , these are facts .
29 is that er you can go in and you can sit and you can talk to them about what you want for a holiday
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