Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] you [conj] [vb base] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps we should transfer you and utilise your talents there . ’
2 ‘ Well , come down and I 'll introduce you and put you forward ’ — because he was something well-to-do there .
3 I 'll give you that guarantee myself the company do n't like me doing this but I will guarantee .
4 Er , if I can get the and get him to come in reasonably soon , you know , I 'll ring you and tell you whether he 's in .
5 When you get to the hole , we 'll grab you and haul you in . ’
6 I wish I could help you and give you a little comfort .
7 Your dad 's always tried never to tell you lies , or stories that would scare you or make you superstitious , but — ’
8 They may reject you and isolate you because you are different from them and they would like to be like you .
9 Remember that harmful thoughts will hurt you and let them go as soon as you become aware of them .
10 After his election , he went to the ‘ Milanese ’ church of San Carlo Borromeo and quite openly wept ( why not ? we used to pray for the ‘ gift of tears ’ ) as he quoted the words of Jesus to Peter : ‘ When you were young , you girded yourself and walked where you would ; but when you are old , you will stretch out your hands , and another will gird you and carry you where you do not wish to go ’ ( John 21.18 ) .
11 It 's unlikely that they will trap you and use your bad reply .
12 I mean if you carry a bag somebody will mug you and pinch it off you like
13 That if the poor are hungry they will eat your food , and why should they not ? : that if they are dirty they will infest you with disease , and so they should : that if you ignore them they will mug you and steal what you have , which is no more than you deserve : that if they sit barefoot at your door they will hurt your conscience and you will have to let them in .
14 ‘ I can arrange for you to fly to Turkey , where the Americans will meet you and take you to safety .
15 the sun will bleach you and tire you ,
16 One way will ensnare you and entangle your life to such an extent that you will find it difficult to extract yourself from the situation in which you suddenly find yourself .
17 From easy access baths to level access showers for wheelchairs , our local home adviser will visit you and discuss your requirements , without obligation , then plan and design a bathroom that best suits your individual needs .
18 I will love you and leave you .
19 " There you are , darling , and when you 've eaten up your nice spinach , Maman will undo you and give you a chocky . "
20 They can guide you or confuse you .
21 themselves and cut themselves and for , for Allah and whatnot hit and he had two policemen , now if they had , they 're , they 're not allowed to stop you and ask for your identification unless they have policeman with them , but they can arrest you and take you to their police station and they can be quite intimidating and , but they were going round , there was American service in there who have little cards written on it , they said they do n't have to cover their heads they , they 're allowed to do just as well as they please
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