Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] [adv] [that] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 " Great-grandfather , you must know already that I did all I could to stop Kim taking the gibbon , " he said , whispering aloud in the hope that his fervent words might be audible to his father and grandfather standing a few feet away .
2 I must add here that I do not use any ready-made greens as I prefer to mix my own colours : azo yellow light , cadmium yellow medium , and titanium white mixed with my blues for this , with the addition of burnt sienna , yellow ochre and Vandyke brown for the earth colours .
3 I am afraid that I must say frankly that I do not think I can open the columns of the Q.R. — at any rate , at present — to any one associated publicly with such a publication as Blast .
4 I should say also that I take some comfort from noticing that the judgments were reserved for five months .
5 If you are , I 'll sign now that I 've tried this treatment without your approval . ’
6 When I go back to the police station I 'll write today that I 've been at Harlowbury School all day doing a school visit and a school talk to different classes .
7 The L N E R and L M S. And er I could see then that I knew that superintendent in the private days of the railways .
8 You could say roughly that I deal with the bank , and they look after the stream . "
9 I would add only that I find myself quite unable to see how referring to the reports of Parliamentary debates in order to determine the meaning of the words which Parliament has employed could possibly be construed as ‘ questioning ’ or ‘ impeaching ’ the freedom of speech or debate or proceedings in Parliament or as otherwise infringing the provisions of article 9 of the Bill of Rights .
10 So I would ask nicely that I have petty cash of say thirty pounds , which out of I would buy , or pay the cleaners ' wages , and any minor expenses that come my way .
11 She said : ‘ I think people will realise now that I have true ability .
12 Erm however we would wish to see that policy complemented by the inclusion of the strategic exceptions policy erm and we know that I know that 's to be discussed tomorrow but I will mention now that I think it would have been much more useful to the discussion if we 'd have been able to discuss the strategic sites issue as part of this debate .
13 You may say also that I think it well that the musters of the northern counties should prepare themselves for possible action against the Scots at the same date , and those along the south coast should be ready to resist any assault by sea from my enemies in Europe .
14 Well I can say personally that I went from a size twelve to a twenty and its a medical problem , its the , not an eating one though , you know any thing to with any diet or any thing like that , completely medical so er it takes a bit of coping with when you 've been slim and then all of a sudden you have this weight that , no diet will remove .
15 In my own defence I can say only that I went along for the ride , as it were , if you 'll forgive the expression , Mr Milton . ’
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