Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] [adv] for the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The pattern is very much first half er , erm , loss or small profit , second half all the profit and in fact you should watch out for the bigger , the bigger Addison Wesley gets , the more the loss in the second half will be because we 're investing for that sale
2 Ideally , I suppose , we should look around for the thickest available development of a particular unit if we are to find anything approaching continuous sedimentation .
3 It should prove so for the first killer as well .
4 And I do , and I do , I must say not for the last time during the passage of this Bill , I do feel constrain to offer my very deep sympathy to my Noble Friend on the front bench .
5 We 'll go right for the awkward ones and put an X and a Y in as well .
6 So then I decided I would like to be that I knew there was a job going on the electricians , so I thought well I 'll I 'll go in for the electrical side .
7 I 'll get this train stopped and we 'll go back for the lost car .
8 It might go well for the first three or four months , and then all of a sudden we might have a lapse in a few months ,
9 Now if they 're multiplied or divided then you ca n't say , Oh well I 'll just take this bit and do that and then I 'll come back for the other one .
10 Dana has missed a few fittings , but the earth wo n't stop turning and I 'm sure she 'll turn up for the next one . ’
11 We can only pray and hope it 'll turn out for the best . ’
12 I thought I 'd wait up for the early morning newscast on the radio . ’
13 Only a truly successful 24-hour electronic trading system , like Globex , could compete directly for the European derivative markets .
14 Often , it was argued that science degrees qualified students to enter ‘ general ’ jobs such as management as well as specialized scientific ones , whereas arts students could apply only for the general jobs .
15 A party spokeswoman , Lourdes Ortiz , remarked : ‘ It does n't seem possible , but the workers may vote again for the Socialist machine . ’
16 If those Labour voters work out that ‘ culture of co-operation ’ means they ought to vote tactically for the Liberal Democrats — and they do seem to have worked it out at Newbury last week — it 's curtains for yours truly . ’
17 Used to come up for the odd break .
18 He is said to sink onto his knee on the track and wait for the train to end his life ; the train crews used to look out for the shadowy figure and shudder .
19 I shall do so for the last time .
20 They also had previous experience , so we hoped all would go well for the second run .
21 It would turn out for the best in the end ; it must .
22 ‘ It will make up for the dismal showing of the England football and cricket teams , lift some of the sporting gloom .
23 It will make up for the thirty-five minutes you were late . ’
24 Some Swiss wonder whether a family responsibility will perhaps work the other way , and he will stay on for the 1992 Olympics .
25 Some Swiss wonder whether a family responsibility will perhaps work the other way , and he will stay on for the 1992 Olympics .
26 The guidance will bring together for the first time all the relevant existing guidance into one statement and has already been the subject of previous consultation in a green paper .
27 The Pavlova Works will carry on for the next three months and some jobs will be made available at the group 's other centres .
28 If you do he will head straight for the nearest snag and you will be extremely fortunate to pull him out again .
29 My hon. Friend always speaks out powerfully for Basildon : he has done so for the past eight years , and I have no doubt that he will do so for the next eight .
30 I 'm sure everything will work out for the best . ’
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