Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] [pron] through the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Well , my mum said he should put them through the letter box .
2 ‘ With the right fertiliser Leonardo might make it through the summer , ’ opined Today with vague hope .
3 ‘ I 'll carry you through the water , all of you , ’ he offered .
4 We 'll take you through the RYA scheme .
5 ‘ I 'll drag you through the heat . ’
6 might get it through the bottom , that 'll be simpler wo n't it ?
7 I wo n't hurt you , but if you come near the boat , I 'll shoot you through the head ! ’
8 ‘ Do that again , ’ I smile and tell her , ‘ and I 'll squeeze you through the letter-box . ’
9 If we could make it through the torrent to the bend ahead …
10 Perhaps she could smell me through the door .
11 She could see nothing through the night — and hear nothing other than the sound of rolling waves — until the outline of the steep cliffs towered above her .
12 I could see you through the keyhole .
13 I said as how I 'd see you through the move and I 've already stayed on longer , just to help out , like . ’
14 I felt sure I could work it through the orifice without cutting the sphincter .
15 like if you left a note for the postman he 'd drop it through the door
16 When he was n't teaching , Malik was usually on the phone , and you could hear him through the wall .
17 You could put it behind , you could feed it through the wall behind to where that
18 By beating this they could drive themselves through the water but their heavy foreparts must have kept their heads low and close to the bottom .
19 Riven looked for a path , but could discern none through the snow and the frozen boulders .
20 I wonder if I could get them through the education .
21 ‘ We could push it through the letter-hole and pull the trigger .
22 Always been the same , so if we 're gon na do this , let's do it right , let's have it through the week .
23 but I used to put it through the mincer did n't I ?
24 ’ When we were very small , ’ Irina would recall , ’ our parents used to take us through the city streets on small sledges .
25 stuff like that , and they used to make them through the winter and come up here in the summer and sell them .
26 So anyway have a look at page fifty six cos I promised you yesterday that I would take you through the verb if you were you know the things you would want to know about .
27 We shall take it through the House , despite the Labour party 's opposition .
28 Then a horny pit-lad 's hand , coal-dust under the fingernails , would insinuate itself through the hole , just wide enough for his big , warm , tender hand .
29 Now cousin , oh er ah , I 'm sorry , erm , President , because you know you get all sorts of distortions on this do n't you can I say , President , er , cos call him brother at times colleagues , on behalf of congress , can I thank you President , very very much for the very positive and very strong challenges that you 've put before us , and the theme that I believe will carry us through the rest of the week .
30 A couple of carefully chosen make-up items will see you through the day with confidence .
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