Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] [pron] [verb] on the " in BNC.

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1 The Law Society is now positively encouraging articles in commerce and industry and your Careers Adviser should keep you up-dated on the possibilities .
2 Within the modern academy , English is treated with respect , though those teaching it may feel themselves impaled on the perennial dilemma of making it appear either a soft option or inhumanely technical and jargon-ridden .
3 Then you take evidence from everyone who might have anything to say on the subject .
4 And one day Uncle Edouard said he might let me work on the Aston Martin .
5 ‘ I 'll get her started on the other thing . ’
6 She used to show you a collection of photographs which she kept in her wallet as if they were family photographs , but in fact these pictures were all pictures of men 's cocks , she used to make them stop on the way home at the photobooth in the entrance to the station , she 'd make them stand on the stool with their trousers down , she never got caught — Greta , on seeing me leave with an especially handsome man : ‘ I hope you 're on the pill . ’
7 She could see them standing on the ridge of hill that rose up behind Tara 's eastern boundaries , sending out the strong magic of the Samhailt to their creatures , so that the woods and the streams and the hillsides thrummed and quivered with the Mindsong .
8 As she wiped down the kitchen wall , she could see herself sitting on the half-buried block where she and her Dad used to picnic , watching the —
9 Although I could n't wait to leave school once and for all so I could join Granpa permanently , if I ever played truant for as much as an hour he would n't take me to watch West Ham on Saturday afternoon or , worse , he 'd stop me selling on the barrow in the morning .
10 Tessa could hear him breathing on the threshold outside for several minutes more , as if he were trying to summon up the courage to return and say something .
11 Sometimes I feel that I could get to the point where I 'd let her get on the bus [ transport to day care ] in the morning and then ring them up later and say ‘ Do n't bring her back because I wo n't let her in ’ …
12 Now I would be calling a solicitor to see how I could get it dissolved on the best possible terms .
13 I could imagine him sprawled on the floor of the pool room in the boys ' house , a long , lean figure in a white kandora unbuttoned at the neck , around him three or four young men waiting to play football , to drive , to beat the drums or follow him wherever he wanted to go .
14 A Scottish Labour Member could find himself isolated on the Committee and virtually speaking to the walls of the Committee Room , because he will get no reasonable or logical answers from Ministers who have no responsibility for Scottish education and will be unable to deal with the criticisms and questions which that Labour Member may raise .
15 If he comes through it well , Weir has a very good chance of going to New Zealand as a versatile forward who , in that company , could find himself pulling on the No6 jersey .
16 This may be the case in some industries , or for some products but as , for example , both Moran 's study of the Chilean copper industry ( 1974 ) and Girvan 's of the Caribbean bauxite industry ( 1976 ) demonstrate in rather different ways , the control that globally integrated corporations can exert on distribution and marketing may nullify what appears on the ground to be a better bargain for the host .
17 Check your contract ; it may have something to say on the subject of absence .
18 She used to show you a collection of photographs which she kept in her wallet as if they were family photographs , but in fact these pictures were all pictures of men 's cocks , she used to make them stop on the way home at the photobooth in the entrance to the station , she 'd make them stand on the stool with their trousers down , she never got caught — Greta , on seeing me leave with an especially handsome man : ‘ I hope you 're on the pill . ’
19 After the service , she would find him loitering on the towpath , and he would join her as if they had n't parted .
20 ‘ Now come on , ’ he said gruffly , ‘ let's get you started on the rest of the cast .
21 Or , if you insist on hanging around the office , they will set you to work on the accounts of charities .
22 Well Gain Multimedia will enable you to turn on the workstation and it will talk to you , it will show you videos , it will show you animation as to how that workstation should be used to best advantage .
23 This will enable you to concentrate on the business of making profit and on the skills and attitudes of the people contributing to it .
24 Although European railway executives see British rail traffic as important , it is quite clear that it is not crucial to plans for the development of a European network which will proceed whatever happens on the other side of the Channel .
25 Effectively , you agree with a bank that on , say , 1 January you will pay the bank interest on a notional principal calculated using a fixed interest rate reflecting the current yield curve ; the bank will pay you interest on the same notional principal at whatever interest rate pertains on 1 January .
26 Then a little genuine humility will help you to work on the negative side and this will get you going on the right track .
27 This will take place in five stages : — orientation interviews , to select the texts and to establish the communicative context ; — initial analysis of texts which will focus on linguistic features likely to indicate relations between disciplines ; — directed interviews with the participants which will allow them to comment on the details of the analysis ; — comparison of texts from different locations and situations to show if a pattern of features is merely peculiar to one writer or if it may have general social significance .
28 But the pigeon 's adaptation to such a diet of large objects is so good that seeds only a little smaller than a nutmeg will pass right through the bird and be ejected together with a small quantity of droppings which will help them grow on the forest floor .
29 Then a little genuine humility will help you to work on the negative side and this will get you going on the right track .
30 It may be an unpalatable thought , but we suspect that to an increasing degree throughout the 1990s brewers and conservationists will find themselves standing on the same side of the fence .
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