Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] [art] [noun sg] [adv] [that] " in BNC.

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1 The user should rename the file so that it does not exceed the LIFESPAN maximum filename length .
2 In principle all programs should strive for perfection and if you find a bug you should report the problem so that it can be fixed .
3 Adeva should become an actress now that she does n't seem to have a record deal .
4 In recent years the press has had to challenge such diverse rulings as an order not to name a witness from a famous family lest publicity might interfere with her care for heroin addiction ; an order not to publish the address of a former Tory MP lest his estranged wife should discover his whereabouts and harass him , and an order that reporters should leave the court so that a distressed defendant could explain in privacy the matrimonial problems which drove her to drink before she drove her car .
5 Because the service standards are likely to be somewhat lower than in a commercial operation , you might set the rate so that they were 50 per cent ( or even 60 per cent ) of the total .
6 Now er I could make a point here that when they introduced one man operated buses , they thought they were on to a new thing but one man operated buses were in this town before the war .
7 They were asking Kurz if he could lower a rope so that they could attach some supplies to it .
8 And then he 'd buy a bit so that he could send a bit to the London market — not in a very big way but enough to utilize all the money he had to do what he was doing .
9 No , oh I do n't think I could do the travelling now that I used to do , but er
10 The problem was , Cora-Beth could see no reason now that they were engaged why they should not make love .
11 If you could put the word around that a substantial reward will be paid for information leading to the boy 's capture . "
12 If this happens with a child resistant closure of the click-lock type the force necessary to try to undo the cap may disrupt the mechanism so that the cap can not be removed without use of brute force and a screwdriver .
13 The House of Lords upheld the award as a punishment to both author and publisher , as there was evidence that both were reckless about the truth of the defamatory statements in the book , and indeed hoped that they would cause a sensation so that the book 's sales would increase .
14 There are hopes that the aircraft may receive a reprieve so that it could perform during the celebrations to mark the 75th anniversary of the RAF in April next year .
15 Still I approve of his wish that the next time round he will become a woman so that he can bear children .
16 When they return with the honey , they too will perform a dance so that , in a very short time , most of the worker force in the hive is actively gathering honey from the new source .
17 The planned legislation , to be introduced in next year 's finance bill , will simplify the system so that the self-employed are taxed on profits earned in the current year , rather than the complex preceding year system which currently exists .
18 Indeed , it has been kept so secret that no summary or abstract of the review is to be made available — If the Secretary of State wants to say that he will publish the review so that the House can measure the current proposals against his madcap scheme for dismembering the inspectorate , he should say so now .
19 Erm , one other thing that I want to make about erm , the victims , erm , I am very much er , involved with erm , victim support Wiltshire , and one of the problems with victim support Wiltshire is their work is increasing all the time because the crime rate goes up , and every time there is more crime there is more victims , but the , the Government has not yet said that they will put the money up that they erm , that they er , the grant up that they give to the victim support .
20 In time these three will form a screen so that I can arrange for a complete change of scenery on either side .
21 We will reform the law so that pension funds belong to their members , not to employers .
22 Open most astronomy textbooks and you will find a statement somewhere that calls the Sun an average star .
23 If we are cunning , we can design the hierarchy so that every path at every level is just two or three steps long .
24 Have we any reason to suppose that yet another solution of the problem is to be found , and that we can introduce a precedent so that the native subject races may remain in existence , unfused with ours , and yet in subjection ?
25 Even if he is walking well , you may need to take a wheelchair in case he gets tired , or you can plan the outing so that you walk short distances between benches in the street or local park .
26 Even if there has been an infection , this does not rule out the possibility of food sensitivity : diarrhoea of any sort can sensitize the gut so that foods which were previously eaten without trouble now produce symptoms .
27 Now in drama an excessive degree of vested interest in either the technical aspects or in the substance of the subject-matter can upset the balance so that the ‘ game ’ of drama and the necessary spontaneity that goes with it disappear .
28 You can collapse the outline so that it shows just the titles of each slide or expand it so that you see the text of bullet charts .
29 The political model accepts that micropolitical activity can dominate the organisation so that genuine organisational objectives can not be operationalised .
30 But I think he 's lovely , and you can tell a mile off that he likes you .
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