Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] [adj] [pron] [modal v] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 But for the whole country to flourish , the richer regions must yield all they could spare to help feed and develop the poorer ; and the manpower , too , must be deployed where it was needed to defend the vulnerable harbours and pirate bases of the north and the west , with all the consequent problems of travel in that wild land of mountain and river .
2 Colleagues we now turn to the special report , a new concept of trade unionism G M B cooperation with the T & G. I propose that the General Secretary should move this we 'll have it formally seconded .
3 Erm that should mean that everybody 'll get a a copy of their own team 's entitlement .
4 Look for the enclosed green Wallet now ! ’ and four free opportunities to win prizes , which must irritate those who can see that if everybody gets four opportunities the odds remain the same .
5 So , I think we should say we are sceptical , and I think the paper puts it correctly er , we are sceptical of whether the reforms of the first consortium in fact , is going to meet the needs in terms of new health area and I know that time will come , they 're talking about the lot , it 's gon na wonderful and that the our economies should get all I can say is that the likelihood is the only f the area committee er , so that residents can comment managers , but since we 've already had a nine hundred percent increase in senior management in the health service in the past five years up from nine hundred to over ten thousand at a cost of fifty to two hundred and fifty million pounds I 'm rather sceptical about that one as well !
6 We 'll , we 'll make sure we can do that .
7 ‘ I 'll take all I can get , from you or anyone else .
8 Let's have a look I 'll leave those you can have a look through some of those and
9 I 'll get ill I 'll die , he 'll have to do another resurrection job .
10 And once you 're married a little bit of complacency settles in and your membership is not quite so well served , but what you 've got to remember is that whilst you 're busy losing interest , somebody else is always interested in your partner or your member , so when , I 'll rephrase that I 'll rephrase that .
11 that 's something else which you might find , a lot of the time in er literature about interaction with children , you might find that er where parents are asking their children to do something , like if they 're playing a game , you might find some You 'll find that mothers and fathers talk differently to sons and daughters er so you start off with a direct ac action like Put that one there , if they 're playing lego or something , straight prom Put that on there down to er Would n't it be a good idea to put that on there down to Could you put that on there or Let's put it on there .
12 ‘ There are plenty of British Legion people about here today , and you 'll find those who will tell you this is bad , ’ he said .
13 You 'll learn all I can tell you when the time comes and not a moment sooner .
14 Right now you may understand those you may think Oh I ca n't really get the hang of this .
15 You could win this you could win it all back at once .
16 If she could do that she would have done something for Felipe .
17 If you could do that you could rule the world , she had laughed .
18 If I could do that I could do anything , as a chef once said to me when I told him he had sprinkled sugar on a steak and kidney pie .
19 Erm , I 'll make them , I 'll make them all take away , sorry , discounts , because if you could do those you can do the adding ones .
20 Yeah we could use twelfths we could use we definitely use no no that 'd be good .
21 He was already jealous of the easy friendship between the sailor and Wirth-Miller and was wounded by the remark that what Denis could have free he would have to pay for .
22 There are also a lot of things that could go wrong which could prolong your stay .
23 If we could list those we 'd have advance warning of shortage problems on the assembly lines two months before they occur .
24 I used to do that I 'll have you know .
25 You may rest assured I shall retain every least word , written or spoken , and all other things too , in the hard wax of my stubborn memory .
26 By now my courage had failed and I had to be helped up the steep , wooden steps , the executioner 's assistants whispering that if I made a good show they would make sure I would choke for no more than ten minutes .
27 Cos if any of our family went up some she would know some she would like , Michael and , and er Rob live away , she says they 're not her sons
28 The Conference would wish all who may take part in the referendum to recognize that Protestant Churches are pro-Life but anti-amendment and to query whether they wish a clause in the constitution unacceptable to Protestant churches .
29 Anyway , I think I shall take this she should know it as soon as Yeah I think there 's nothing you , you have to take a you know , nothing under three thousand , even that is cheap for days , is n't it ?
30 This would be well under the cost of the facility for the authority but would encourage those who could buy their care more cheaply to do so .
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