Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] have a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Differences of opinion exist among scholars ; sometimes the appearance gives very little to go on — details may have been rubbed off or we may only have a small fragment of a large object to examine ; two or more origins may be possible contenders and it may be impossible to decide which on stylistic grounds alone .
2 When I asked Alison what qualities you need to be a marketing controller she said , ‘ you need to be able to establish immediate empathy with the people you are talking to as you may only have a short time to get the feedback you need .
3 So sometimes a horse may only have a bad habit in relation to a certain rider , and in that case it will be the rider who will need the extra training .
4 At the same time it should be made clear that apart from false assumptions about matriculation , higher education should only have a small contribution to make to the range , standard and appositeness of 16+ and 18+ examination syllabuses and schemes of marking .
5 As Levinas puts it , ‘ the idea of truth as a grasp on things must necessarily have a non-metaphorical sense somewhere ’ .
6 Now you should all have a spare scrap of paper that 's blank on one side , out of my recycled paper box , okay .
7 But she must not have a wooden leg or a cast in her eye , since these are things most of us hope to escape .
8 There is no reason why you should not have a weekly reward for remaining the same weight , at least for a few months after you have attained your ideal shape .
9 After tackling up and laying your baitboxes , landing net etc , around you , and sinking your keepnet in deep-enough water , you should still have a reasonable amount of daylight left to assess your surroundings .
10 An important principle of gene — culture coevolutionary theory is that a tabula rasa mind , open to all choices equally and hence totally dependent on the accidents of history , must still have a biological foundation — and a very finely adjusted one at that .
11 The client , whether supported out of public funds or fee-paying , should always have a free choice among available lawyers and should not be required to retain an assigned lawyer .
12 The offeror should always have a clear idea of the maximum price he wishes to pay and stick to it .
13 Candidates must also have a good career record and present a career plan that demonstrates the relevance of the DBA .
14 Candidates must also have a good career record and present a career plan that demonstrates the relevance of the DBA .
15 Salespeople must also have a complete understanding of the enterprise 's capacity to design and deliver specialized products .
16 Now , as a further requirement , employers must also have a common pension age and pension schemes must ( with effect from 1990 ) offer the same benefits to their male and female members .
17 Finally , rooms containing gas cookers must have an openable window or other means of providing ventilation , and if the room 's volume is less than 10cu m , it must also have a permanent ventilation opening with an area of at least 5000sq mm .
18 ‘ I suppose it must also have a public telephone that can be used in private and a post office that will send out mail ?
19 Many works give initial impact through colour , but in order to remain substantial they must also have a physical quality and that means texture .
20 A set must also have a specified order .
21 You must also have a clear idea of why you want such a system .
22 More of that later , you must also have a valid passport , and you must be free to travel in the last two weeks of January .
23 Mattresses Choose one made from natural materials to reduce the risk of allergies , and it should also have a hollow interior to allow air to circulate and discourage bed mites .
24 She should also have a 30-minute swim .
25 The reader should now have a reasonable understanding of the main terms and mechanics of the euro-credit market .
26 Does he further agree that we must now have a fundamental review of the 1988 package , as advocated by the Labour party ?
27 We should simply have a male God .
28 Now James Drife , professor of obstetrics and gynaecology at Leeds General Infirmary , demonstrates this by recommending that healthy women past childbearing age with anxieties about breast cancer should simply have a double mastectomy as a precautionary measure .
29 Well , she is a woman , so perhaps she should n't have a strong point of view .
30 to because we 've got the Legal Aid system , but I mean my son was also a repeated robbed in his car and what shocked me was the , the police they said to me you should n't have a pretty car any way , he had a brand new X R three
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