Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] be [verb] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 It may loosely be judged to refer to at least some of the works of literature , art , philosophy , history and biography .
2 Nevertheless , as Wensley ( 1981 ) argues , the portfolio grids must not be used to suggest to non-financial experts that the company must be a cash recycling machine ignoring the external market as a source of funds .
3 It must not be allowed to happen to anyone else .
4 Lists of names of authors should not be differentiated according to gender , by using first names for female writers but only family names for male writers ( as in " Shakespeare , Milton , Jane Austen , Hardy " ) .
5 But the meeting understood that " It has hitherto been the policy of this HQ and remains ( it is understood ) the advice of the British Resident Minister and the US Political Adviser that all classes and types of dissident and anti-Tito Jugoslavs who fall into the hands of Allied Forces either in Italy or in Austria should not be forced to return to Jugoslavia … "
6 Nursing care is individual to each patient , as the patient should not be expected to conform to a set pattern of treatment .
7 There is a consensus among the public that cars should not be used to go to work .
8 De Gaulle was incensed , ordered Massu 's recall to Paris , and , against the advice of several senior advisers , insisted that Massu should not be permitted to return to his command .
9 I appeal to the Minister : the man should not be allowed to return to his unit ; he should remain where he is at this moment .
10 A proposed directive suggests that manufacturers should not be allowed to refer to helpful recommendations by health bodies ( ‘ The Intestines Inspectorate says fibre is good for you .
11 He would be unlikely to give the Archangel Gabriel a run for his money and he should not be allowed to run to the House of Lords . ’
12 The 63,500 places now available should not be allowed to reduce to 54,000 over the next five years , as would be the case if the 15 per cent .
13 The type of model employed in an activity should thus be chosen according to whether it is appropriate to the problem in hand .
14 ‘ Book buyers should also be urged to write to their MPs .
15 Auditors should also be required to report to a wider interest group than just the shareholders .
16 This link should also be used to connect to JANET , Internet , and other international Wide Area Networks ( WAN ) .
17 The rest of this slide illustrates a number of other recommendations , and I would particularly highlight 2.6 where it says " A safe enclosed external space should also be provided linked to the internal day spaces . "
18 What objectives must now be set related to :
19 The effective stiffness must then be chosen according to the expected amplitude of the rotor displacement , as shown in Fig. 3.3 in which the stiffness for small loads ( up to 0–15 TPK ) is appreciably higher than the effective stiffness for larger loads ( 0–8TPK ) .
20 Equally temperatures should not be too low and should never be allowed to fall to , or below , freezing otherwise products may be ruined .
21 Few would argue with the proposition that it should never be allowed to return to power .
22 The objectives should therefore be modified according to the individual requirements of a student .
23 It also highlights that functional deterioration , particularly in those with progressive disorders , may not be detected owing to inadequate or infrequent reassessments , or both .
24 Women who expressly state that they do not consent to intercourse may nevertheless be considered to consent to it .
25 A brain abscess in the right hemisphere could also be accompanied by diffuse damage to the left : that is , the aphasia in these children might not be related to damage to the right-hand side of the brain .
26 Speculation that the deputy chairman , Lord Barnett , might also be removed came to nothing .
27 It is submitted on behalf of the Attorney-General that there was no delay , either in the investigation of the complaint against the respondent or in the bringing of proceedings against him which could properly be said to amount to an abuse of the process of the court .
28 For example where a field leading to a river could only be used according to a sign for ‘ Parking — Members of the Walton Angling Club only ’ , it would constitute a private field .
29 The car was then marketed as ‘ Lagonda , designed under the supervision of W. O. Bentley ’ , but the flood of orders could not be met owing to the postwar shortage of steel .
30 The other islands followed and had slave majorities by the 1670s , and once they had done so the process was irreversible ; white men could not be persuaded to come to an area where wages were set by the cost of slave labour .
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