Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] [be] [verb] [v-ing] to " in BNC.

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1 Lists of names of authors should not be differentiated according to gender , by using first names for female writers but only family names for male writers ( as in " Shakespeare , Milton , Jane Austen , Hardy " ) .
2 The type of model employed in an activity should thus be chosen according to whether it is appropriate to the problem in hand .
3 The effective stiffness must then be chosen according to the expected amplitude of the rotor displacement , as shown in Fig. 3.3 in which the stiffness for small loads ( up to 0–15 TPK ) is appreciably higher than the effective stiffness for larger loads ( 0–8TPK ) .
4 The objectives should therefore be modified according to the individual requirements of a student .
5 It also highlights that functional deterioration , particularly in those with progressive disorders , may not be detected owing to inadequate or infrequent reassessments , or both .
6 For example where a field leading to a river could only be used according to a sign for ‘ Parking — Members of the Walton Angling Club only ’ , it would constitute a private field .
7 The car was then marketed as ‘ Lagonda , designed under the supervision of W. O. Bentley ’ , but the flood of orders could not be met owing to the postwar shortage of steel .
8 The sociology of knowledge was not founded on an epistemology but this meant only that its empirical analyses could not be interpreted according to a pre-established system .
9 There are no specific hydrophobic contacts to thymine methyl groups such as those observed in other complexes , but there are sites in the operator where a mutation to thymine could not be accommodated owing to steric hindrance .
10 Keeping in mind what the person can and can not do unaided , the nursing interventions to achieve the mutually set goals could then be selected according to local circumstances and available resources .
11 Er so much so , you see that er er er people who did have employment in the industry would not , would not be seen talking to left-wing Labour party people , or members of the Communist party , because they readily understood , you know , that here was a risk that they were running , whereby they may indeed lo er er lose their employment .
12 The dioecious Xerospermum noronhianum ( ‘ X intermedium' , Sapindaceae ) in West Malaysia has a prolonged sequential development of flowers on each inflorescence as well as the sequential development of the inflorescences themselves , making a small number of flowers available at any one time but ensuring economy by not producing excess flowers within a short period ( these would not be pollinated owing to the low density of pollinators ) .
13 I mean you know I ca n't be bothered trying to so I do n't think I will go .
14 Ca n't be bothered speaking to her .
15 The National Assembly passed a law on July 12 obliging trade unions and registered employees ' organizations to declare their property , which would then be divided according to the level of support in trade union elections .
16 To solve this you have to make it clear what genre of writing you are working in ( which is partly a matter of the overall register you establish ) ; the technical terms will then be understood according to the conventions of that genre .
17 Similar disclosure provisions already operate in the UK in relation to overseas companies which have a place of business here ( although the requirement to file group accounts would be new ) , whereas in other member states additional information may currently be required relating to that branch ( e.g. branch accounts which would effectively reveal dealings between the branch and the rest of the company ) .
18 It is about morality , and morality can not be judged according to the quality of our intentions , or according to whether a practice is socially sanctioned .
19 Anthropological textbooks , along with the arrangement of the university syllabus , usually give the impression that an alien way of life can always be analysed according to a more or less standard set of chapter headings which divide up the total field into sub-sections denoted by the English language words : economics , kinship , politics , law , religion , magic , myth , ritual .
20 Bonds can also be differentiated according to their issuer .
21 Wounds can also be described according to the degree of tissue loss .
22 They can also be classified according to their sugar content , ie dry , medium or sweet .
23 Immunohistochemistry can not distinguish between different immunologically cross reactive proteins , but biochemically these can often be differentiated according to molecular weight using immunoblotting .
24 Bearing in mind what the patient can and can not do for himself , the nursing interventions to achieve the set goals can then be selected according to local circumstances and available resources .
25 With the results available , by using the actual difference in observed means , the probability that a change of given size might have been overlooked in the study can then be calculated according to the following formula :
26 A singular boundary point q can then be classified according to this scheme .
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