Example sentences of "[be] [adj -er] [conj] [art] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One option would be to raise the duty on petrol : Britain 's fuel prices have long been lower than the EC average , and petrol duties have provided a static share of tax revenues in spite of the rapid growth in road use .
2 The middle course valleys are broader and the valley sides are less steep than in the upper course .
3 I 'm just saying these chips are nicer than the Bottley chips .
4 Oddly enough , although they are younger than the rugose corals , the aragonite composing them does not preserve very well , and it is easier to find beautifully preserved examples of the older Rugosa .
5 On the other hand , it seems probable that other mosaics with high quality figured work in a central , square panel are later than the Cupids mosaic .
6 While other microcomputers are cheaper than the BBC range , at present they do not have the range of software available to meet school needs .
7 The fact that magnesium atoms are smaller than the calcium atoms they replaced has let to a reduction in the volume of the rock .
8 The wards are smaller than the design brief suggested , but family/interview spaces are provided elsewhere in the hospice .
9 The second licence , covering blocks 36/4 and 35/6 , sits on the east flank of the graben , where the faults are smaller and the target depths less .
10 I would n't put it into a company where the profit record was likely to be poor , because the last thing you want is for the share price to be lower than the option exercise price ’ .
11 What could be simpler than the ball carrier going in , turning and setting with the support player going in low and hard and stripping the ball as he turns ?
12 However , it may be said to be fairer than the Community Charge in that the tax does , at least , rise with the value of the house and it is reasonable to assume that those living in more expensive houses have higher incomes than those living in less expensive dwellings .
13 What could be nicer than a summer picnic ( preferably involving a bicycle ride ) of fresh baguette , ripe Brie or Camembert and a bottle of vin de table ?
14 The presentation appearance of the horizontal moon , for instance , can properly , though falsely , be said to be larger than the presentation appearance of the meridian moon .
15 In other words , to give , to the question , ‘ Why , on looking at the horizontal moon , would you believe it to be larger than the meridian moon if you had no reason to think otherwise ? ’ the answer , ‘ Because it appears larger ’ , is , if it means ‘ Because I perceive it as larger ’ to give no answer at all .
16 Note that the date must not be later than the system date when the module is next scanned or entered into LIFESPAN .
17 It must not be later than the system date when the module is next scanned or entered into LIFESPAN .
18 Note that the date must not be later than the system date when the module is next scanned or entered into LIFESPAN .
19 It must not be later than the system date when the module is next scanned or entered into LIFESPAN .
20 The supply of money curve will be steeper than the demand curve : like M s2 in Figure 16.12 .
21 ( Other standards like fruit and ornamental trees will be thicker and the sacking strip will need to be wider and the actual tie bigger , but the principle remains exactly the same . )
22 I have to say that in no way will this option be better than the colour changer , because for Norwegian jacquard , you will still have to make a semi-automatic colour change with the jacquard claw every two rows and this is slower .
23 Even that would be better than the policy Vacuum there has been since Black Wednesday .
24 It would be better if the method statement read ‘ Mr and Mrs Smith should make pleasant sexual contact at night after any day without argument ’ .
25 Evolution by natural selection could not be faster than the mutation rate , for mutation is , ultimately , the only way in which new variation enters the species .
26 In some situations Postscript can be faster than the escape sequence type of printer control file .
27 Also , if you consider yourself to be faster than the pathfinder board , it is worth starting early , since as you wait for him to reach you , you could be sailing that part faster than him .
28 The strength of the junction formed will depend on t which should be smaller than the reptation time τ , i.e. the mixed layer ought to be smaller than the size of the coil if an interfacial link is to be formed .
29 ‘ For smaller businesses , the American Express card today will probably cost less than other cards and will certainly not be higher than a bank card .
30 It will be higher than the Treasury bill rate .
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