Example sentences of "[be] [indef pn] for [pers pn] [coord] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 There 's nothing for it but to clamber , wheezing and bursting of heart , up the steep steps ( 300 and more ) of one of the deepest shafts of the Underground to air and freedom .
2 If , however , you find yourself carrying three or four such problems it seems clear that there is nothing for it but to go back and attack the first difficulties again .
3 There is nothing for it but to taste and to experiment for yourself .
4 The circulation of air round a depression usually has ‘ fronts ’ or areas of rain associated with it , and when birds , which navigate by being able to see the night sky , meet with a barrier of rain and bad visibility then there is nothing for it but to drop down to the nearest land and wait until conditions improve .
5 There was nothing for it but to flee .
6 We were well aware of him stifling cries of pain , but there was nothing for it but to proceed .
7 Then , as she passed the door of the room where the dancing was , Robert appeared , and there was nothing for it but to repeat Dawn 's message .
8 There was nothing for it but to do as he suggested .
9 There was nothing for it but to persevere .
10 That avenue was obviously closed to us and there was nothing for it but to go en masse to Jimmy Coutts and lay our case before him .
11 There was nothing for it but to go with him .
12 She had a cup of tea and then after half an hour there was nothing for it but to go .
13 Knowing that there was nothing for it but to go and apologise and , if possible , explain that her regularly serviced car was misbehaving , Fabia had her hand on the door-handle when she realised that she had no need to move .
14 There was nothing for it but to pretend it had all been as Aunt Emily would have wished it to be .
15 There was nothing he wanted to see at any of the nearby cinemas , he 'd be irritable company in the local pub where he was a contender in a small bar-billiards school , so there was nothing for it but to spend the time watching television with the other sinners .
16 Since Natasha had not specified which room they were to meet in , there was nothing for it but to progress through each , ignoring the paintings and studying only the other visitors .
17 There was nothing for it but to accept defeat , which he did with an ill grace , stamping off in disgust followed by the jeers of the crowd and several small boys who ran behind him mimicking his rolling gait .
18 And then the drawbridge was falling , with a clanking and a whirring of machinery and the light was pouring into the courtyard and the Gnomes were cheering and the giants were nodding to one another , and there was nothing for it but to ride away with Snodgrass , with Balor loping along at their side , with Fenella behind in the hands of the Gruagach .
19 As we started the long walk back across the tundra to Camp Bell , we decided that there was nothing for it but to establish a base camp at the foot of the cliffs .
20 There was nothing for it but to tell her the truth .
21 Grant 's eyes and throat were stinging from the thickening smoke , so he decided there was nothing for it but to check the mechanism of his shotgun .
22 There was nothing for it but to await events …
23 As he said no more there was nothing for it but to walk on .
24 There was nothing for it but to attempt a take-off and try to make for Tobruk .
25 There was nothing for it but to attempt to dig them out by hand .
26 Paddy quickly took command , but with most of their gear missing and two men so badly injured that they had to be left behind , there was nothing for it but to try to make the rendezvous with the LRDG .
27 There was nothing for it but to try to make their way on foot out of the town and walk back to the rendezvous with Robin Gurdon .
28 There was nothing for it but to try again .
29 This was a disaster of some magnitude , and there was nothing for it but to seek the man out and tell him what had happened .
30 For example , on high policy common opinion said that there was nothing for it but to stay in the ERM .
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