Example sentences of "[be] [not/n't] [adv] [adj] that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 But if so I am not wholly convinced that he adopted the new Liberalism .
2 Well , Mr. Bolton , I am not really certain that you DO have a problem !
3 I am not too sure that we would get too many Tories to sign .
4 ‘ I am not so complacent that I would say they wo n't become a formidable competitor but for now they are not , ’ Jonathan Martin , head of sport at the BBC , said .
5 However , I hope I am not so complacent that I am unable to acknowledge the difficulties of trying to bring about change .
6 I am not so thick-brained that I did n't get the memo . ’
7 But I am not so sure that I should have recognised what I recognised unconsciously at the time of writing : that I was in a state of helplessness , the helplessness of being a non-person .
8 I am not so green that I expect to get the sole credit on this movie .
9 Indeed , I am not absolutely sure that it has not been proved that in terms of pure cost-effectiveness a space such as a 4 cm double is the best you can buy — the only trouble is that you need an awful lot of them .
10 I am not precisely sure that I know what the right hon. Gentleman had in mind on sentencing policy , but I am happy to engage in exchanges outside .
11 The evidence out there in the real world and I 'm a London MP is that people are not yet certain that there is a secure economic recovery .
12 Nor is the observer 's paradox an issue , since speakers are not tape-recorded and are not even aware that they are being observed .
13 A spokesman for Norwich police said : ‘ Papers were found on them , but we are not entirely convinced that they are genuine .
14 ‘ They are not so appealing that I relish the idea of seeing them again , ’ Murtach retorted .
15 The changes required are not so great that it should be rejected outright .
16 ‘ North Koreans are not so stupid that they will let outsiders see their secret installations , ’ said former diplomat Ko Young Hwan .
17 They are not so insignificant that they can be ignored ; but nor are they so important that they can be allowed to kill the only prospect for peace that does not involve a fight to a standstill .
18 Kuhn 's paradigms are not so precise that they can be replaced by an explicit set of rules , as was mentioned above .
19 Nonetheless , these linkages are not so tight that one can read off class self-identification from the hierarchical classification of occupations , in any of its variants : there is an area of overlap between manual and non-manual earnings ; many manual workers are now owner-occupiers ; many individuals in the higher occupations have come from manual backgrounds .
20 Smiles from that quarter are not so plentiful that I can afford to disregard them , but I was n't in the mood to appreciate one right at that moment .
21 Said principles , however , are not so flexible that they 'd allow for my killing Vecchi out of hand , nor standing by while one of Bonanza 's torpedoes did for me .
22 And I would urge the panel to send out their proposed leaflet to the ministers in various areas where the educational standards are not very high that they may look at them and put forward suggestions so that the leaflet that eventually comes out will be understood by the whole of our people and not just by the most educated .
23 Come on , Miss Williams , you 're not so naïve that you honestly believe that a mere apology will make up for the way you behaved . ’
24 But surely you 're not so naïve that you ca n't understand that for any normal man to be in close contact with a girl for days on end without wanting her is damned impossible ? ’
25 ‘ What you mean is , you 're not so thick-skulled that you did n't get the message . ’
26 ‘ I 'm not altogether sure that we share all the same motives . ’
27 ‘ I 'm not even sure that my team-mate , Riccardo Patrese , will help me out on Sunday .
28 I 'm not even sure that his main pleasure has not been in proving to Madame Duvalle that he was right about me .
29 I 'm not even sure that I 've decided yet . ’
30 I 'm not even sure that I 'm doing the right course .
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