Example sentences of "[be] [not/n't] [adv] [verb] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I am not even asked if I want a line .
2 On the other hand we are not positively told that he was insane , and so we must also consider the unlikely hypothesis that the mistake was merely an act of folly .
3 Presumably , too , A sets up the defence of necessity ; we are not expressly told that there was ( or that A thought there was ) no other way of saving the leader 's life , but this is a fair inference from the question .
4 Indications for surgery are not clearly defined and there is no agreement on the ideal surgical procedure .
5 It 's not all absolutely good news at the present time , because the final boundaries of the area are not yet determined and we are currently in negotiation with the U K government about the precise boundaries of the five B area .
6 ‘ The managerial and cultural changes which Scottish companies have introduced in response to the green agenda are not well understood and we can say very little about the effectiveness of these changes . ’
7 But the Working Party did not need to dally with morbidity indicators , since ‘ the reasons for the pattern of differential Regional mortality are not wholly understood but it is believed that Regional differences in morbidity explain the greater part of it and that statistics of relative differences in Regional morbidity , if they existed , would exhibit the same pattern as those for mortality ’ ( DHSS , 1976b , p. 16 ) .
8 Young women are not poorly paid because they work for TNCs in export zones , they are poorly paid wherever they work , but TNCs may well employ young women in the zones because they are cheaper to employ than older men in some countries .
9 Such benefits are not typically approached where there is a much greater reliance on the external labour market as a source of recruitment .
10 ( 3 ) Consider types of work currently undertaken by the firm that should not be ( because of limited expertise , inadequate experience or cost ) ; and consider types of work you are not currently undertaking that you should be .
11 We may say that a criterion of legal validity or source of law is supreme if rules identified by reference to it are still recognized as rules of the system , even if they conflict with rules identified by reference to the other criteria , whereas rules identified by reference to the latter are not so recognized if they conflict with the rules identified by reference to the supreme criterion .
12 ‘ Things here are not so settled that you can all of a sudden disappear , ’ Guillamon said .
13 It 's much sloppier than it used to be , and the ladings are not all priced as we used to price them .
14 Our alternative is straightforward , and meets this objection , and we are not only asking that it be used in all cases , only those where the result would otherwise be patently unjust .
15 Because she could 've phoned , alright , you 're not still going or whatever she 's trying to excuses she ca n't erm skate , well half the people ca n't skate , what you talking about , but oh I just do n't understand .
16 Well , I 'm not really suggesting that it is .
17 ‘ I 'm not so think as you drunk I am .
18 I I I sir that we we may be able to erm argue that here today it may be very difficult once it 's established , especially in the public mind that that that there is that there E two land I fear would be not only interpreted unless there 's some justification for me saying this because that 's what it says in the in the in the Harrogate Rural Areas Plan .
19 Country vets are n't easily sickened but I felt my stomach turning .
20 This Is for those people who think they are n't properly dressed unless they 've got the right badge on — and are guilty about their middle class backgrounds and so dress to look poor .
21 I know that they combine a macho enthusiasm for selective violence with a rigid adherence to middle-class morality , but you are n't seriously suggesting that they 'll suspect me of cutting Paul 's throat because I go to bed with his wife ?
22 and more and more and more people are looking for experience , they 're looking for vocations , they 're looking for er the sort of attributes which , you know , are n't actually overflowing when you 're unemployed in Wolverhampton
23 Think of all the selves you put on — selves that are n't really masks because they are a true part of the core being — but that often coexist uneasily , compelling us to recognise the tension and contradictions between the different selves .
24 In the case of Estella however her appearances are n't really deceiving as she looks arrogant and proud and has proud eyes though she really changes for the better even though it occurred because of her treatment by Bentley Drummle and in the end like Pip , she is wiser and has been softened by her experiences and lost her proud eyes and air .
25 He had argued that the prints were not improperly taken but it was said that his possession must have originated in breach of trust , confidence or contract and , therefore , an injunction was granted preventing the exhibition .
26 And some who did not even know of the movie 's existence , who were not even born when it was made , are dead too , or mutilated , or orphaned …
27 But UUUC voters were not so persuaded and their first preference votes varied from 2,609 for McNarry ( Un ) to 11,958 for Craig ( VUPP ) .
28 The UCD [ Union of the Democratic Centre under the leadership of Adolfo Suárez ] government consented to things which were not totally justified but which were necessary so that the mass of the workers could see that the country had changed and that dialogue was beginning .
29 She had no conventional beauty , her features were not exquisitely proportioned and her face was a bit chubby .
30 To everybody , I walked round the site with Paul and and Stuart last Friday because Paul had been whingeing to me about erm twenty five K G palletizing and the fact that they were n't they were n't properly packed as it were .
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