Example sentences of "[be] [not/n't] [adj] [to-vb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is reported that Mrs Thatcher has been keen to ensure that those promoted are sympathetic to her scale of values or are not unwilling to break away from the style of middle-of-the-road consensus policies that have predominated in recent years .
2 ‘ I think it is a shame that more people are not convinced by the results that care in the community is producing and are not prepared to move over in greater numbers , ’ says Mrs Polson , who was also a sister at Aycliffe Hospital during her 10 years there .
3 I think that Mr has lost his bet because we are a party who is not obsessed by ideology we are not prepared to act indefinitely like bulls in a china shop when the owners of the shop have an infinite supply of china We want to move forward and we want to move forward in the real world and the idea that a strong government and sticking to what you want through thick and thin when clearly you 're not going to get the result you want , as indeed the government did over the poll tax , in the end you have to recognise the reality the Labour group , as much as anything else , are part of that reality .
4 ‘ We are not prepared to go ahead with the Lord Chancellor 's proposals about fixed fees .
5 According to Barry Morris , Blackpool 's tourism boss : ‘ People are not prepared to accept less in a B&B than they have at home .
6 But they will also be suitable for students who have just finished Standard Grades , but are not ready to go on to Highers .
7 Moreover , the UK and the USA have not ratified the protocol , mainly because of objections on other matters , and they are not likely to do so in the near future .
8 Allow an ‘ activity space ’ around each piece , which can overlap with the next if you are not likely to use both at the same time .
9 ‘ Intense ’ case management components are not likely to figure prominently in the brokerage/advocacy models of case management .
10 ‘ We are not frightened to walk away from the table if the deal is not right , ’ Mr Coe says .
11 It is often found that women who , for whatever reason , are not able to participate actively in giving birth , experience difficulty in relating to their babies later on .
12 ‘ Where there is no vision the people perish ’ — if there are not clear internal channels of communication , and we are not able to talk coherently among ourselves , then we will not be heard and understood outside the Town Hall ;
13 It is perhaps a discouraging thing to say , but learners of English who are not able to talk regularly with native speakers of English , or who are not able at least to listen regularly to colloquial English , are not likely to learn English intonation , though they may learn very good pronunciation of the segments and use stress correctly .
14 As a result , at the back of people 's minds there is frequently the notion nowadays that since ‘ we ’ are now net importers of manufactured goods , ‘ we ’ are not able to compete successfully in the international market for manufactured goods , so the country must be impoverished and only able to avoid facing up to this through luck or a trick .
15 When a ring of netting is placed round a warren , all bolting rabbits must be caught provided that they are not able to get back into the burrow .
16 people , is not , are not just opting out of marriage , but they 're not prepared to put up with the situation ,
17 I really thought I could n't bear not to at least understand what he was going through , but by that time my opinion was totally irrelevant — not wanted — added to which , I 'm not easy to get along with anyway because I 'm not a ‘ yes-man ’ .
18 ‘ I 'm not prepared to go all around the world with England any more as third or fourth choice . ’
19 And then erm the lads in both they had decided they were gon na go on the go slow , but they were told if you go go on the on the go slow system , you 're gon na go home , he said , I 'm not prepared to carry on with that , he said , the manager there , that 's brother that is .
20 ‘ I 'm not supposed to say where from , ’ said Vladislaw .
21 ‘ But I 'm not willing to break up with my wife and son yet .
22 Despite Rayners Lane 's lowly position , they were not afraid to come forward in the opening fifteen minutes , but could find no way past a resolute Milton defence .
23 They were not afraid to come in after her .
24 They were not prepared to comment further on the matter .
25 These problems may be recited in a familiar litany cited for all service sectors concerned with all dependency groups : services are remote from individuals and their families ; services are difficult for families and clients to get in touch with or access ; services are organisationally and professionallY fragmented , So that families and clients are unclear about who was doing what ; furthermore , services are unconnected or discontinuous , so that families and clients fall into gaps between services ; finally , the statutory agencies were not able to liaise extensively with voluntary or informal care networks However , these general observations do not point precisely to operational tasks .
26 My chief regret in my stay at Transport was that we were not able to do more in combining private and public investment in partnership projects .
27 Many said that they welcomed the opportunity to work , and were not able to do so during the week because there was no one look after their children .
28 Some of the children at school went out to do a traffic count recently and there was so much volume of traffic that the children were not able to keep up with th putting the in the to keep up with the volume of traffic .
29 Well there could be a whole range of different therapies that would be appropriate , depending on on the individual needs of the persons involved , erm but certainly in in a therapeutic situation erm one is able to establish a relationship with another caring adult that can readdress those erm perhaps foundations in the personality that were not able to develop appropriately in their early childhood .
30 But a third knight made the significant point that the commons were not likely to progress far without the agreement of the lords , and suggested that they should ask the king to appoint a group of prelates and magnates to help them in their deliberations .
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