Example sentences of "[be] [that] i [verb] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 He 's always been surrounded by people who think everything else he does is marvellous , but one of the points of our relationship has been that I 've always criticised his work , and for me those double portraits of the Seventies came perilously close to Photo-Realism . ’
2 If I left a table in Fif 's that I 'd just acquired , I might attract attention .
3 It can be a very hard game sometimes , but the most important thing for me is that I 've now got my mind right .
4 Yes , but the difference is that I 've never seen those houses but I have , I can see those .
5 The result of this strategy is that I 've never missed a plane in twenty-eight years of international travel — except once .
6 The fact is that I had already begun to give serious consideration to the possibility of doing away with Dennis Parsons .
7 The fact is that I had never seen it , or known what I was seeing , until that day : …
8 ‘ The thing I remember about my first visit is that I had never sung so much before .
9 ‘ THE most disheartening thing is that I have always had a really strong idea about what I want the group to be and I 'm not very good at relating to people who think that their version of what my group should be is more important than mine , ’ complains Stuart Adamson , singer/guitarist with Big Country .
10 Right , well I 've been waiting since er what is it twelve o'clock this morning , what on earth this question can be and I certainly did n't er come up with this possible , erm all I can say is that I have always got on extremely well with Tony and .
11 One thing I can say of him with total confidence is that I have never met a man less interested in money .
12 The second element was that I had just started working at the London School of Economics in October 1970 , which was exactly the same time as GLF started meeting there and LSE was in one of its periods of turmoil which involved me as someone working on the staff and excited me politically .
13 The thought uppermost in my mind was that I had always wondered how young horses felt when I knocked wolf teeth out of them .
14 In fact , barn owls are reckoned to be one of the hardest breeds to hand-rear and train , and they are n't recommended for beginners — though I did n't know that then , What I did know was that I 'd probably lost the battle with this owl before I 'd started : I suspected he would be impossible to train , but I was so hooked on the idea of having my own bird that I could hardly drag myself away when I was looking at him .
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