Example sentences of "[be] [v-ing] [det] of [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 In addition , a number of people who have gone through our study seminars keep in touch with us and tell us that they are using some of the things they 've learned here to be exposed here for their own work , but it 's very difficult to tell .
2 Opioid use is the top category , and individuals in this group may also have been using any of the drugs in the other five categories .
3 Barbiturates are the second hierarchical category , and individuals in this group may have been using any of the drugs in the four categories below , but not opioids .
4 I give credit to the people of those regions who , as we have seen , are realising some of the follies of the past .
5 From the letters we have been receiving this year it appears that the Jehovah 's Witness from Greece Andreas Christodoulou has been passing some of the cards on to his colleagues who are also imprisoned Jehovah 's witnesses , who want to correspond with people in the U.K. Fortunately we have someone in the office who has been able to translate their letters .
6 If you 're really rocking and rolling in the art department and you 're allowing some of the experiments to see their way into print , even if they 're not so , they do n't have that slick veneer that people seem to want in the marketing department , progress results and the rawness helps and the thing that makes Jack Stoffagers pages so wonderful is that they are unfiltered , you have the feeling that it 's the printer talking to you , determining something that he 's read , you know , he wants you to read .
7 Yeah I mean , they 're upgrading all of the machines at work but what they 're doing is instead of throwing them out , those who do n't use P Cs that often are being given the slower machines and those that as part of their job function , they need something much faster have been given the the newer machines .
8 They 're telling some of the stories that go off like , you know .
9 In this short series we 're exploring some of the boundaries of science — the limits to what we can measure or experience , limits that exist in space , time , temperature and so on .
10 We have been considering some of the ways in which the late Roman world inhabited by Christians was transformed in fact and in their imagination .
11 They are removing many of the distortions that have made investors look elsewhere in the past .
12 ‘ We are removing some of the cobwebs on the fringes of the Scottish legal system . ’
13 Even before that , I had been recording some of the memories of the older generation of Bishop 's Castle residents , realising how many of them really did ‘ well remember ’ the early part of this century ; much of this material has been used in the ‘ RECALL ’ project at Stone House , whose members have contributed greatly to my understanding of that period .
14 Erm so that in fact a true alto would be using most of the notes there .
15 James Matthews , our reporter in Jordan says it appears the pro-Iranian group thought to be holding most of the hostages , Hezbalar is ready to end its demands for a prisoner exchange .
16 Dorothy Jerome and Carol Dyhouse will be providing some of the answers .
17 Nisodemus glared at him as he went on , ‘ Now , we really should be sending some of the women and children to the — ’
18 The Royal Family will have to adapt itself to new circumstances , and , in some ways , it will be approaching nearer to the people , because it will be sharing many of the problems which all of us have faced . ’
19 Today 's announcement could mean some of those health boards wo n't be running any of the hospitals in their area .
20 erm Professor Ron Dore is going to talk a bit about when education should stop and I suspect will be saying some of the things that you 've already hinted at , and then later on Professor Colin Lacey will be talking about some aspects of teachers and teaching and training of teachers , and I suspect he will have something to say about mobility of teachers and careers of teachers as , as well .
21 If if my daughter was say seven or eight now she would n't be attending any of the schools round here cos I would n't let her .
22 Should children themselves be asking more of the questions ?
23 But even as preparations were being made to fly them home , talks were going on with independent schools all over England in the hope of finding them free places.Andrew Auster is one of the organizers of the scheme … and he 'll be taking some of the orphans at the Downs School in Colwall :
24 But I ca n't complain — I 'm hitting most of the greens and coping with the putting pretty well . ’
25 The master at this time , J.W. , was in trouble when it was reported that he had been boarding some of the officers and two of their relatives in his own apartments under a private arrangement .
26 To the polite scepticism of orthodox American archaeologists , the expedition 's leaders are interpreting some of the hieroglyphs as containing ancient Hebrew letters and symbols which refer to Ophir , or Beth-Horon , the gold source of ancient Palestine in the times of King Solomon .
27 this year , at least were saving some of the trees then .
28 As it happened both Washington and Beijing were learning some of the skills of crisis management ( as well as " brinkmanship " ) , although a biographer of Eisenhower writes that the United States " came closer to using atomic weapons " in this crisis than at any other time in his presidency .
29 They were discussing some of the howlers from 1066 and All That . ’
30 well because there was three of us we went , it was seven hundred and one , like , their go , first bloke got a hundred and eighty , next one got a hundred and forty , this one got a hundred and twenty and me and Matt got about forty each and Rick and we were stuffed just bit , have you been watching any of the darts ? dead interesting
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