Example sentences of "[be] [v-ing] [coord] do not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But then I might have a passenger whose company I am enjoying and do not want the intrusion .
2 She said ‘ hello ’ to you ’ ) , teaching her to eat in the proper way ( ‘ Close your mouth when you are eating and do n't gulp your food ’ ) , and so on .
3 Do this lightly so you can so she can see you 're you are acting and does n't get frightened .
4 I said phone me if you 're coming but do n't bother if you 're not so it looks like she 's not .
5 Cats feel vulnerable when they are defecating and do not like to have anyone near them at that time .
6 Goodbye he was going and do n't say that .
7 " The Shah wanted to go to America because he did n't know what Sullivan was reporting and did n't know what was happening in the US .
8 Then he moved , but , instead of moving to take his seat behind his desk as she had expected , he moved to where she was sitting and did not stop until he was level with her .
9 He then walked out of the house saying he was leaving but did not take anything with him and the car remained outside the house .
10 Franco was surprised , he was hard at work , had just reached an important moment in a piece he was composing and did n't want to be interrupted .
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